Search Results - "Alfaro, Fernando D"
Insights into the Gut Microbiome of the South American Leaf-Toed Gecko ( Phylodactylus gerropygus ) Inhabiting the Core of the Atacama Desert
Published in Microorganisms (Basel) (13-06-2024)“…Living in arid environments presents unique challenges to organisms, including limited food and water, extreme temperatures, and UV exposure. Reptiles, such as…”
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Soil microbial abundance and activity across forefield glacier chronosequence in the Northern Patagonian Ice Field, Chile
Published in Arctic, antarctic, and alpine research (01-01-2020)“…In recently deglaciated soils, microbial organisms drive soil transformations by increasing carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools while depleting available…”
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The symbiotic alga Trebouxia fuels a coherent soil ecosystem on the landscape scale in the Atacama Desert
Published in Environmental microbiome (09-08-2024)“…Biocrusts represent associations of lichens, green algae, cyanobacteria, fungi and other microorganisms, colonizing soils in varying proportions of principally…”
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Microbial communities in soil chronosequences with distinct parent material: the effect of soil pH and litter quality
Published in The Journal of ecology (01-11-2017)“…1. During soil development, bacteria and fungi can be differentially affected by changes in soil biogeochemistry. Since the chemistry of parent material…”
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Global ecological predictors of the soil priming effect
Published in Nature communications (02-08-2019)“…Identifying the global drivers of soil priming is essential to understanding C cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. We conducted a survey of soils across 86…”
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Changes in belowground biodiversity during ecosystem development
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (02-04-2019)“…Belowground organisms play critical roles in maintaining multiple ecosystem processes, including plant productivity, decomposition, and nutrient cycling…”
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Multiple elements of soil biodiversity drive ecosystem functions across biomes
Published in Nature ecology & evolution (01-02-2020)“…The role of soil biodiversity in regulating multiple ecosystem functions is poorly understood, limiting our ability to predict how soil biodiversity loss might…”
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Prevalence of trace gas-oxidizing soil bacteria increases with radial distance from Polloquere hot spring within a high-elevation Andean cold desert
Published in The ISME Journal (08-01-2024)“…High-elevation arid regions harbor microbial communities reliant on metabolic niches and flexibility to survive under biologically stressful conditions,…”
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High‐frequency monitoring of hydrological and biogeochemical fluxes in forested catchments of southern Chile
Published in Hydrological processes (01-05-2021)“…The variability of rainfall‐dependent streamflow at catchment scale modulates many ecosystem processes in wet temperate forests. Runoff in small mountain…”
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Climatic vulnerabilities and ecological preferences of soil invertebrates across biomes
Published in Molecular ecology (01-02-2020)“…Unlike plants and vertebrates, the ecological preferences, and potential vulnerabilities of soil invertebrates to environmental change, remain poorly…”
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The influence of soil age on ecosystem structure and function across biomes
Published in Nature communications (18-09-2020)“…The importance of soil age as an ecosystem driver across biomes remains largely unresolved. By combining a cross-biome global field survey, including data for…”
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Vegetation drives the response of the active fraction of the rhizosphere microbial communities to soil warming in Antarctic vascular plants
Published in FEMS microbiology ecology (28-10-2022)“…Abstract In the Antarctic Peninsula, increases in mean annual temperature are associated with the coverage and population density of the two Antarctic vascular…”
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Soil biodiversity supports the delivery of multiple ecosystem functions in urban greenspaces
Published in Nature ecology & evolution (01-01-2023)“…While the contribution of biodiversity to supporting multiple ecosystem functions is well established in natural ecosystems, the relationship of the above- and…”
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Eco-hydrological Functions in Forested Catchments of Southern Chile
Published in Ecosystems (New York) (01-03-2020)“…Ecosystem functions in forests can vary significantly after disturbance, depending on changes in vegetation structure during succession and soil biophysical…”
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Bacterial community structure in a sympagic habitat expanding with global warming: brackish ice brine at 85–90 °N
Published in The ISME Journal (01-02-2019)“…Larger volumes of sea ice have been thawing in the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO) during the last decades than during the past 800,000 years. Brackish brine (fed…”
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Soil bacterial community structure of fog‐dependent Tillandsia landbeckii dunes in the Atacama Desert
Published in Plant systematics and evolution (01-10-2021)“…The interplay between plants and soil drives the structure and function of soil microbial communities. In water-limited environments where vascular plants are…”
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Sociality of Octodontomys gliroides and other octodontid rodents reflects the influence of phylogeny
Published in Journal of mammalogy (01-10-2014)“…Multiple ecological factors are known to drive variation in social behavior. However, group-living in some species appears to be highly conserved, suggesting a…”
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The grit crust: A poly-extremotolerant microbial community from the Atacama Desert as a model for astrobiology
Published in Frontiers in astronomy and space sciences (09-11-2022)“…The grit crust is a recently discovered, novel type of biocrust made of prokaryotic cyanobacteria, eukaryotic green algae, fungi, lichens and other microbes…”
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Molecular phylogenetics of mouse opossums: new findings on the phylogeny of Thylamys (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae)
Published in Zoologica scripta (01-05-2014)“…The mouse opossums of the genus Thylamys constitute a group of species mainly adapted to open xeric‐like habitats and restricted to the southern portion of…”
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Global hotspots for soil nature conservation
Published in Nature (London) (27-10-2022)“…Soils are the foundation of all terrestrial ecosystems 1 . However, unlike for plants and animals, a global assessment of hotspots for soil nature conservation…”
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