Search Results - "Alexander González Díaz"
Identification of Design Considerations for Small Satellite Remote Sensing Systems in Low Earth Orbit
Published in Journal of aerospace technology and management (01-01-2015)“…The Sergio Arboleda University is preparing its next satellite mission, named Libertad 2. It will carry out a system of image acquisition as a working tool for…”
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Design of a Nanosatellite Ground Monitoring and Control Software - a Case Study
Published in Journal of aerospace technology and management (01-04-2016)“…ABSTRACT The growing countries that have carried out the development of CubeSat missions for academic purposes do not offer aerospace engineering programs at…”
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Quality Evaluation of Chromatic Interpolation Algorithms for Image Acquisition System
Published in Journal of aerospace technology and management (01-07-2016)“…ABSTRACT The main goal of the Libertad 2 mission is to take images of the Earth’s surface in the visible spectrum with a multispectral sensor and send them as…”
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Survival of Cuban Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis (2009–2010)
Published in MEDICC review (2016)Get full text
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Memorias de lectura: estrategia pedagógica para el fomento de los procesos lectoescriturales a través del texto literario en UNIMINUTO, Colombia
Published in Cuaderno de pedagogía universitaria (05-07-2022)“…En el presente artículo se presenta un relato de experiencia que pone en evidencia cómo se fomenta el desarrollo de los procesos lecto-escriturales en…”
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Tertulias literarias en UNIMINUTO: Experiencia pedagógica del goce de la lectura en voz alta y la escritura creativa con estudiantes universitarios
Published in Cuaderno de pedagogía universitaria (01-01-2024)“…La literatura, la filosofía y la lectura en voz alta se amalgaman en el espacio de tertulia literaria del programa de la Licenciatura en Humanidades y Lengua…”
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Trends and predictions of tuberculosis, and challenges towards tuberculosis eradication in Havana City
Published in Revista cubana de medicina tropical (01-05-2012)“…To describe the variation and the trend of new tuberculosis case reports in Havana from 1995 to 2010, as well as their projection and occurrence for 2011-2013…”
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A prevalence study in Guadalajara, Mexico, comparing tuberculin skin test and QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube
Published in PloS one (10-03-2022)“…Tuberculosis (TB) is a prevalent disease throughout the world. The extent of TB illness in childhood is not clear; recent data shows that 10-20% of the cases…”
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Eliminación de la tuberculosis en Cuba: contribuciones recientes, resultados y desafíos
Published in Revista cubana de medicina tropical (01-12-2017)“…Desde el 70 al 80 Aniversario de la fundación del Instituto de Medicina Tropical "Pedro Kourí", los investigadores, profesionales y técnicos de este centro,…”
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Incidencia y prevalencia de lepra
Published in Archivo médico de Camagüey (01-10-2013)“…Fundamento: en el 2011 la OMS estimó 194 141 casos nuevos de lepra mundialmente, concentrados principalmente en: India, China, Tailandia y Brasil, Cuba eliminó…”
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Formación de escritores científicos en tiempos de Scimago
Published in Perspectivas del Ensayo (Girardot) (01-01-2019)“…El siguiente documento describe la experiencia escrita que desde la asignatura Comunicación Escrita y Procesos Lectores (Ceplec) se diseñó para articular la…”
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A prevalence study in Guadalajara, Mexico, comparing tuberculin skin test and QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube
Published in PloS one (01-01-2022)“…BackgroundTuberculosis (TB) is a prevalent disease throughout the world. The extent of TB illness in childhood is not clear; recent data shows that 10-20% of…”
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Modelo general de la determinación social de la salud para la tuberculosis
Published in Archivo médico de Camagüey (2023)“…RESUMEN Introducción : El avance hacia la eliminación de la tuberculosis en Cuba, depende de la justicia social para las personas afectadas y sus familiares,…”
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Design of a Nanosatellite Ground Monitoring and Control Software – a Case Study
Published in Journal of aerospace technology and management (01-04-2016)“…The growing countries that have carried out the development of CubeSat missions for academic purposes do not offer aerospace engineering programs at their…”
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Quality Evaluation of Chromatic Interpolation Algorithms for Image Acquisition System
Published in Journal of aerospace technology and management (01-08-2016)“…The main goal of the Libertad 2 mission is to take images of the Earth’s surface in the visible spectrum with a multispectral sensor and send them as a Bayer…”
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Survival of Cuban Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis (2009–2010)
Published in MEDICC review (01-04-2016)“…ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION Tuberculosis is the second leading cause of infectious-disease death worldwide, after AIDS. Most tuberculosis patients in Cuba have…”
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Alternativas de procesos para la búsqueda de casos de tuberculosis bajo condiciones económicas limitadas. Cuba 2022-2025
Published in Respirar (01-09-2023)“…Ejecutar procesos efectivos de búsqueda de casos de tuberculosis es crucial para acelerar el paso hacia su eliminación. El empeoramiento de las condiciones…”
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Molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis in Havana, Cuba, 2009
Published in Tropical medicine & international health (01-11-2015)“…Objectives To estimate the proportion of tuberculosis cases attributable to recent transmission and the risk factors possibly associated with tuberculosis…”
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Estratos de incidencia de tuberculosis en los municipios de Cuba: 1999-2002 y 2003-2006
Published in Revista panamericana de salud pública (01-10-2010)Get full text
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Validez y fiabilidad de indicadores sintéticos para la vigilancia y control de la tuberculosis
Published in Revista cubana de medicina tropical (01-04-2015)Get full text
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