Search Results - "Albarracín, Lluís"
Large Number Estimation as a Vehicle to Promote Mathematical Modeling
Published in Early childhood education journal (01-07-2021)“…This study presents a teaching experiment in which second-grade primary school students compared a city and a town according to population estimates. The…”
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Students from grade 2 to grade 10 solving a Fermi problem: analysis of emerging models
Published in Mathematics education research journal (01-03-2021)“…One hundred four students aged 8 to 16 worked on one Fermi problem involving estimating the number of people that can fit in their school playground. We…”
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Exploring the negotiation processes when developing a mathematical model to solve a Fermi problem in groups
Published in Mathematics education research journal (01-02-2024)“…Previous research has highlighted the importance of social relationships in mathematical group work while working on modelling activities. This study analyses…”
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The Role of Context for Characterising Students’ Strategies when Estimating Large Numbers of Elements on a Surface
Published in International journal of science and mathematics education (01-08-2021)“…This paper presents a qualitative study developed with a group of 16-year-old students who were asked to estimate large numbers of elements on a bounded…”
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Where Is It Best to Sit in Class? Description of an Experience Based on STEM Problem Solving in a School Context
Published in Education sciences (01-04-2023)“…This study aims to describe the design and development of a STEM problem-solving activity involving mathematics and physics content. It is an activity whose…”
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The use and potential of Fermi problems in the STEM disciplines to support the development of twenty-first century competencies
Published in ZDM (01-11-2019)“…This paper presents the results of a literature review focusing on the use and potential of Fermi problems (FPs) in the STEM disciplines. We identify different…”
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Fermi problems as a hub for task design in mathematics and stem education
Published in Teaching mathematics and its applications (07-03-2024)“…Abstract In this paper, we draw on recent research on so-called Fermi problems and situate the fundamental principles underlying this type of tasks and their…”
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Mathematical Modeling Projects Oriented towards Social Impact as Generators of Learning Opportunities: A Case Study
Published in Mathematics (Basel) (01-11-2020)“…This paper presents a case study carried out at an elementary school that led to a characterization of mathematical modeling projects aimed at generating…”
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Una secuencia de actividades para desarrollar la visualización usando un videojuego
Published in Enseñanza de las ciencias (03-06-2021)“…Este artículo describe una de secuencia de actividades para trabajar la visualización con alumnos de cuarto de Educación Primaria a partir del contexto…”
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Designing levels of a video game to promote spatial thinking
Published in International journal of mathematical education in science and technology (03-10-2022)“…In this article, we present an educational proposal designed to work on spatial geometry and three-dimensional thinking with students in the last years of…”
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Supporting mathematical modelling by upscaling real context in a sequence of tasks
Published in Teaching mathematics and its applications (07-09-2022)“…Abstract Creating and developing mathematical models to solve real-world problems is a complex task and students often have difficulties in tackling it…”
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Devising a plan to solve Fermi problems involving large numbers
Published in Educational studies in mathematics (01-05-2014)“…Fermi problems are open, non-standard problems that require the students to make assumptions about the problem situation and to estimate relevant quantities…”
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FPAT-A Framework for Facilitating the Teaching and Learning of Using Fermi Problems Originating in Mathematics Education Research
Published in The Physics teacher (01-10-2022)“…Enrico Fermi is remembered for his many contributions to theoretical and experimental physics, but from an educational point of view he also popularized the…”
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From traditional teaching to flipped classroom: Impact on learning in engineering degrees
Published in Journal of technology and science education (19-06-2024)“…Computer engineering students should develop competences related to the contents of databases design and SQL queries. For this purpose, the recommendations on…”
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Primary education degree programs in Alicante, Barcelona and Helsinki: Could the differences in the mathematical knowledge of incoming students be explained by the access criteria?
Published in LUMAT (06-04-2021)“…This perspective paper draws on the interest in ensuring that students who enter primary teacher training programs have a solid background knowledge of…”
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Graph-Based Problem Explorer: A Software Tool to Support Algorithm Design Learning While Solving the Salesperson Problem
Published in Mathematics (Basel) (01-09-2020)“…In this article, we present a sequence of activities in the form of a project in order to promote learning on design and analysis of algorithms. The project is…”
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An open task to promote students to create statistical concepts through modelling
Published in Teaching statistics (01-09-2017)“…Summary This article reports on the solutions of a group of 22 students, aged 15/16 years old, when facing a statistical modelling activity. They were given…”
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Emphasizing Visualization and Physical Applications in the Study of Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
Published in Teaching mathematics and its applications (01-09-2017)“…This article presents a teaching proposal that emphasizes on visualization and physical applications in the study of eigenvectors and eigenvalues. More…”
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A brief guide to modelling in secondary school: estimating big numbers
Published in Teaching mathematics and its applications (01-12-2015)“…Abstract Fermi problems are problems which, due to their difficulty, can be satisfactorily solved by being broken down into smaller pieces that are solved…”
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Modelización matemática en actividades estadísticas: Episodios clave para la generación de modelos
Published in Uniciencia (01-01-2022)“…En nuestro trabajo estamos interesados en promover el aprendizaje de conocimientos estadísticos por parte de alumnos de educación secundaria a partir de la…”
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