Search Results - "Al Drees, Abdulmajeed"
Histological and Immunohistochemical Basis of the Effect of Aminoguanidine on Renal Changes Associated with Hemorrhagic Shock in a Rat Model
Published in ACTA HISTOCHEMICA ET CYTOCHEMICA (01-01-2017)“…Acute kidney failure is the main cause of death among patients with severe trauma due to massive blood loss and hemorrhagic shock (HS). Renal cell injury is…”
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Students' perception towards the problem based learning tutorial session in a system-based hybrid curriculum
Published in Saudi medical journal (01-03-2015)“…To evaluate students' perception towards the problem based learning (PBL) session in a system-based hybrid curriculum. We conducted a cross-sectional study in…”
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No Evidence of Association of the Arg72Pro p53 Gene Polymorphism with Cancer Risk in the Saudi Population: a Meta-Analysis
Published in Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP (2015)“…Background: Earlier studies on the association between p53 codon 72 Arg>Pro polymorphism and cancer risk were inconclusive and conflicting for the Saudi…”
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What factors determine academic achievement in high achieving undergraduate medical students? A qualitative study
Published in Medical teacher (01-04-2014)“…Abstract Background: Medical students' academic achievement is affected by many factors such as motivational beliefs and emotions. Although students with high…”
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Physical activity and academic achievement among the medical students: A cross-sectional study
Published in Medical teacher (25-03-2016)“…Aims: To explore physical activity (PA) habits among the medical students and examine the correlation with their grade point average (GPA) achievement at…”
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Research methodology workshops evaluation using the Kirkpatrick's model: Translating theory into practice
Published in Medical teacher (01-04-2014)“…Abstract Background: Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of academic programs can enhance the development, effectiveness, and dissemination of comparative…”
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Does coenzyme-Q have a protective effect against atorvastatin induced myopathy? A histopathological and immunohistochemical study in albino rats
Published in Histology and histopathology (01-03-2015)“…In addition to their lipid-lowering effect, statins have pleiotropic effects that may extend their use to the treatment and prevention of various other…”
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Utilization of blackboard among undergraduate medical students: Where we are from the reality?
Published in Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences (01-03-2015)“…تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم إدراك طلاب كلية الطب لاستخدام نظم إدارة التعلم باستخدام نظام ”بلاك بورد“ من حيث الفوائد والصعوبات. أجريت هذه الدراسة في كلية الطب،…”
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Study of dual angiogenic/neurogenic growth factors among Saudi autistic children and their correlation with the severity of this disorder
Published in Neurosciences (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) (01-07-2012)“…To investigate the role of 2 angiogenic/neurogenic growth factors, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) in…”
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Estrogen Protects Cardiac Myogenic (H9c2) Rat Cells Against Lethal Heat Shock-Induced Cell Injury: Modulation of Estrogen Receptor α, Glucocorticoid Receptors, Heat Shock Protein 70, and iNOS
Published in Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology (01-03-2005)“…In the present study we have established that exposure of rat cardiac myoblasts (H9c2 cells) to 46°C for 1 hour (lethal heat shock) resulted in optimal cell…”
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Tamoxifen protects clonal mouse hippocampal (HT-22) cells against neurotoxins-induced cell death
Published in Neurochemistry international (01-04-2002)“…In the present work using an established clonal mouse hippocampal (HT-22) cell line, we have examined whether the estrogen antagonist tamoxifen antagonizes the…”
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No Evidence of Association of the Arg72Pro p53 Gene Polymorphism with Cancer Risk in the Saudi Population: a Meta-Analysis
Published in Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP (2015)“…Earlier studies on the association between p53 codon 72 Arg>Pro polymorphism and cancer risk were inconclusive and conflicting for the Saudi population…”
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Preconditioning protects mouse hippocampal cell line (HT-22) against simulated lethal ischemia /reperfusion insult
Published 01-01-2002“…We have established the optimum in vitro simulated lethal ischemia/reperfusion insult conditions using clonal mouse hippocampal (HT-22) cells. Exposure of…”
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