Search Results - "Aksungur, Nilgün"

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    Effect of Exposure Duration on Time to Recovery from Anaesthesia of Clove Oil in Juvenile of Russian Sturgeon by Akbulut, Bilal, Cakmak, Eyup, Aksungur, Nilgun, Cavdar, Yahya

    “…The efficacy of clove oil as an anaesthetic was evaluated in Juvenile of Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) under two experiments. Dose response…”
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    Migration Characteristics of the Black Sea Trout (Salmo trutta labrax, Pallas, 1814) in the Eastern Black Sea Coasts and Streams by Aksungur, Muharrem, Zengin, Mustafa, Tabak, Ilyas, Aksungur, Nilgun, Alkan, Ali

    “…This study was done on the main streams and coastal zone where Black Sea Trout is mainly distributed. Although fario ecotype has reproductive and alimental…”
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    Effects of Stocking Density on Growth Performance, Survival and Food Conversion Ratio of Turbot (Psetta maxima) in the Net Cages on the Southeastern Coast of the Black Sea by Aksungur, Nilgün, Aksungur, Muharrem, Akbulut, Bilal, Kutlu, İlyas

    “…Black sea turbot (Psetta maxima) were reared at four different densities in the sea cages to evaluate the effects of stocking density on growth, survival rate…”
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    The Effect of Feeding Frequency on Growth Performance and Feed Conversion Rate of Black Sea Trout (Salmo trutta labrax Pallas, 1811) by Başçınar, Nadir, Çakmak, Eyüp, Çavdar, Yahya, Aksungur, Nilgün

    “…Growth, feed consumption and conversion ratios of Black Sea trout (Salmo trutta labrax Pallas, 1811) subjected to daily feeding frequencies were evaluated. The…”
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    Published in Journal of (01-04-2010)
    “…In recent years, the fish species in danger of extinction for the configuration of the natural stocks produced in controlled conditions is important. Also…”
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    Effect of Initial Size on Growth Rate of Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Reared in Cages on the Turkish Black Sea Coast by Akbulut, Bilal, Temel Şahin, Aksungur, Nilgün, Aksungur, Muharrem

    “…A rearing trial was carried out to examine the effect of initial fish size on growth rate of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, reared in marine cages. The…”
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    Karadeniz' den yakalanan ve tanklarda mezgit ile beslenen genç Mersin morinalarının (Huso huso) büyüme performansı by ÇAKMAK, Eyüp, AKSUNGUR, Nilgün, AKBULUT, Bilal, KURTOĞLU, İlker Z

    Published in Journal of (2010)
    “…Son yıllarda nesli tehlikede olan balık türlerinin doğal stoklarının yapılandırılması için kont-rollü şartlarında üretilmeleri önem kazanmaktadır. Mersin…”
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    Yolk sac consumption and growth rates of Black Sea trout alevins (Salmo trutta labrax Pallas, 1811) at three different water temperature regimes by Bascinar, N, Aksungur, N, Cakmak, E

    Published in Su ürünleri dergisi (01-01-2005)
    “…In this study, yolk sac consumption and growth rates of Black Sea trout, Salmo trutta labrax (Pallas, 1811), alevins from hatch to swim-up stage were…”
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    Karadeniz alabalığı (Salmo trutta labrax, PALLAS, 1811)' nın kültür şartlarına adaptasyonu by MISIR, Selim, YILMAZ, Cevat, TABAK, İlyas, AKSUNGUR, Muharrem, AKSUNGUR, Nilgün

    “…Karadeniz alabalığı, Türkiye'nin Kuzeydoğusunda yer alan derelerde doğal yayılım göstermektedir. Ekonomik değeri yüksek olan türün, çeşitli nedenlerle stokları…”
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    Growth attributes of turbot (Psetta maxima Linnaeus, 1758) were reared in the Black Sea condition by Aksungur, N, Aksungur, M, Akbulut, B, Ustundag, C, Ciftci, Y

    Published in Su ürünleri dergisi (01-01-2006)
    “…In this study, growth, survival and food conversion rates of turbot (Psetta maxima Linnaeus, 1758) obtained from the hatchery of the Central Fisheries Research…”
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