Search Results - "Akshentsev, Yu. N"
Crystallographic Features of the Structure of Cast and Quenched Cobalt–Niobium Alloys
Published in Technical physics (01-07-2020)“…Specific features of structure formation at the β → α (fcc → hcp) polymorphic transformation in Co–Nb binary alloys have been investigated by metallography,…”
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New Ternary Copper–Nickel Alloys with Refractory Elements for Epitaxial Substrates
Published in Technical physics letters (01-12-2020)“…The quality of the crystallographic texture is analyzed for thin ribbons made of ternary Cu–40% Ni– Me ( Me = Nb, Mo, or W) alloys, which are promising…”
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Textured Tape Substrates of Ternary Copper–Nickel Alloys with Tantalum and Tungsten Additives for the Epitaxial Deposition of Multilayer Compositions
Published in Doklady. a journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics (01-08-2021)“…The possibility of the formation of a perfect biaxial cubic texture in ternary copper–nickel alloys with tantalum or tungsten additives was consider with the…”
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Features of bicrystal growth during the directional crystallization of metal melts
Published in Crystallography reports (01-03-2017)“…The factors responsible for the formation of different configurations of boundaries between adjacent crystallites during their growth from melt by Bridgman and…”
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Mechanism of the formation of structure during high-temperature annealing of MgB2 bulk samples deformed under pressure
Published in Physics of the solid state (01-09-2017)“…MgB 2 superconductors subjected to deformation under pressure on Bridgeman anvils and subsequent annealings at 800 and 950°C were investigated by X-ray…”
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Structure of As-Cast Hafnium
Published in Physics of metals and metallography (01-06-2018)“…The structure of a hafnium crystal grown by the method of floating zone melting which underwent upon cooling the β → α (bcc → hcp) polymorphic transformation…”
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Mechanisms of Cold Deformation under High Pressure of Superconductive MgB2 Ceramics
Published in Physics of metals and metallography (01-08-2018)“…Structures of the massive MgB 2 samples deformed in Bridgman anvils that were initially in different structural states, namely, as-synthesized and…”
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Choice of copper-based alloys for ribbon substrates with a sharp cube texture
Published in Physics of metals and metallography (01-12-2014)“…It has been shown that, in some copper-based alloys subjected to cold deformation by rolling to 98.6–99% followed by recrystallization annealing, a sharp cube…”
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Texture and mechanical properties of tape substrates from binary and ternary copper alloys for second-generation high-temperature superconductors
Published in Physics of metals and metallography (2015)“…The process of texture formation in tapes made of a number of binary and ternary copper alloys upon cold rolling to degrees of deformation of 98.6–99% and…”
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Influence of the chromium concentration on structure formation in liquid chromonickel alloys
Published in Steel in translation (01-08-2016)“…The electrical resistivity of liquid nickel–chromium alloys is studied as a function of the temperature and concentration. Experimental data indicate that the…”
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Structure and mechanical properties of an Ni3Al single crystal upon high-temperature deformation
Published in Physics of metals and metallography (01-04-2011)“…Structure and strength properties of single-crystal 〈001〉 samples of Ni 3 Al have been studied in the as-grown and homogenized state during tensile tests in…”
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Investigation of the structure and magnetic and mechanical properties of textured substrates of an Ni-Cr-W alloy
Published in Physics of metals and metallography (01-06-2010)“…Based on the data of X-ray diffraction, electron-backscatter diffraction, dilatometry, thermal analysis, and scanning electron microscopy, we determined the…”
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Suppression of superconductivity in YNi2B2C at the atomic disordering
Published in JETP letters (01-05-2013)“…The behavior of the electrical resistivity ρ( T ), the superconducting transition temperature T c , and the upper critical field H c 2 ( T ) of a…”
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Deformation and fracture of single crystals of VKNA-type alloys at 1100–1250°C
Published in Physics of metals and metallography (01-03-2010)“…A comparative study of the structure and mechanical properties of single-crystal samples 〈001〉 of VKNA-1V and VKNA-4U alloys (cast and after heat treatment)…”
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Mechanisms of the formation of a bulk superconducting phase MgB2 at high temperatures
Published in Physics of the solid state (01-05-2015)“…The structure of MgB 2 samples synthesized from magnesium flakes and a boron powder at temperatures of 900–1000°C has been investigated. It has been found that…”
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Influence of high-pressure deformation and annealing on the structure and properties of a bulk MgB2 superconductor
Published in Physics of metals and metallography (01-08-2016)“…A synthesized MgB 2 superconductor has been investigated by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and by the…”
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Forming a perfect cubic texture in thin copper–yttrium alloy strips during cold rolling and annealing
Published in Doklady. a journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics (01-03-2016)“…The structure of strips produced from the Cu–1 wt % Y binary alloy using cold deformation by rolling to the degree of deformation of ~99%, followed by…”
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Mechanism of the formation and specific features of the structure of massive samples of compound MgB2
Published in Physics of metals and metallography (01-02-2014)“…Using different methods, it has been revealed that two MgB 2 phases with the same hexagonal lattice, which differ in the contents of Mg and B (in the limits of…”
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Effect of deformation with Bridgman anvils on the structure, hardness, and critical current of a massive MgB2-based sample
Published in Physics of metals and metallography (01-05-2015)“…The structure and properties of synthesized massive MgB 2 -based samples subjected to deformation with Bridgman anvils have been studied. Deformation results…”
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Structure of crystals of iodide titanium obtained by a solid-state reaction using α → β → α phase transitions
Published in Physics of metals and metallography (01-04-2008)“…Results of metallographic and electron-microscopic studies of a structure observed on the surface of crystals of iodide α-Ti that are produced by thermal…”
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