Search Results - "Akman, Hakkı"
A worldwide overview for hexavalent vaccines and a glimpse into Turkiye's perspective
Published in Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics (31-12-2024)“…The surge in recommended vaccinations for child's has spurred the development of combination vaccines, notably hexavalent vaccines, which provide multiple…”
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Finansal Bilgi Manipülasyonu ve Yaratıcı Muhasebeye İlişkin Meslek Mensupları Üzerine Bir Araştırma(A Research for Accounting Professionals on Financial Information Manipulation and Creative Accounting)
Published in Journal of management & economics (01-03-2021)“…As a result of constantly changing and self-renewing economic developments, businesses can carry out various activities to achieve their goals. These…”
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Journal Article -
Finansal Bilgi Manipülasyonu ve Yaratıcı Muhasebeye İlişkin Meslek Mensupları Üzerine Bir Araştırma
Published in Journal of management & economics (01-01-2021)“…Sürekli değişen ve kendini yenileyen ekonomik gelişmeler neticesinde işletmeler hedeflerine ulaşmak için çeşitli faaliyetlerde bulunabilmektedirler. Bu…”
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The role of melatonin and cortisol circadian rhythms in the pathogenesis of infantile colic
Published in World journal of pediatrics : WJP (01-08-2018)“…Background Despite the high prevalence of infantile colic, the pathogenesis remains incompletely understood. Cortisol and melatonin hormones affect…”
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Rhupus arthropathy as the presenting manifestation in Juvenile SLE: a case report
Published in Pediatric rheumatology online journal (04-05-2007)“…An 8.5-year-old girl was referred with swelling of both knees lasting for two years. ANA was found as negative. She was diagnosed as oligoarticular JIA. After…”
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The Value of Clinical Findings in Children Admitted to Pediatric Emergency Department with acute abdominal pain
Published in Çocuk acil ve yoğun bakım (2015)Get full text
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Acute pancreatitis: A rare presenting feature of Henoch Schonlein purpura
Published in Journal of paediatrics and child health (01-03-2008)“…: Pancreatitis is a rare manifestation of Henoch Schonlein purpura (HSP). Herein we report a 3‐year‐old girl presented with acute pancreatitis that developed…”
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Lârende/ Karaman Kenti Osmanlı Klasik Eğitim Kurumlarının Analizi (1600-1839)
Published 01-01-2018“…Eğitime büyük önem veren Osmanlı Cihan Devleti, hâkimiyeti altındaki şehir, kasaba ve köylerde yaşayanların okul ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için varlıklı…”
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Dissertation -
Acute pancreatitis: A rare presenting feature of Henoch Schonlein purpura
Published in Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health (01-03-2008)Get full text
Report -
The III child in the emergency department and the accompanying people : A cross-sectional analysis
Published in Pediatric emergency care (2005)Get full text
Journal Article -
The Ill Child in the Emergency Department and the Accompanying People: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
Published in Pediatric emergency care (01-06-2005)“…OBJECTIVE:The objective of this study is to investigate relationship between the number of the family members visiting the emergency department with pediatric…”
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Journal Article -
Yağ ağrısı ile başvuran ve karaciğerde kist hidatik saptanan çocuk olgu
Published in Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi dergisi (2004)“…Dünyada en yaygın görülen insan sestod enfeksiyonu 'Echinococcosis"dir. En sıklıkla karaciğer, akciğer, kemik ve genitoüriner sistemde yerleşerek hastalık…”
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Journal Article -
Sineözofagografiyle tanı konulan gastro özofajial reflülü tekrarlayan hışıltılı infant
Published in Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi dergisi (2002)“…Hışıltı (wheezing), bronş duvarının kısmi daralması sonucu solunum esnasında titreşimiyle ortaya çıkan müzikal sestir. Hışıltı oldukça yüksek olan prevalansı…”
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Journal Article -
Soliter epidermoid dalak kisti: Olgu sunumu
Published in Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi dergisi (2002)“…Dalağın kistik lezyonları, çocukluk çağında nadir olarak görülmektedir. Bu lezyonların da çoğunluğunu travma sonrası oluşan psödokistler oluşturmaktadır. Dokuz…”
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Journal Article -
Acute pancreatitis: a rare presenting feature of Henoch Schonlein purpura
Published in Journal of paediatrics and child health (01-03-2008)“…Pancreatitis is a rare manifestation of Henoch Schonlein purpura (HSP). Herein we report a 3-year-old girl presented with acute pancreatitis that developed…”
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