Search Results - "Ahmadiniaz, Naser"
Low-energy limit of N-photon amplitudes in a constant field
Published in Physics letters. B (01-05-2024)“…While the QED photon amplitudes at full momentum so far have been calculated only up to the six-photon level, in the low-energy limit there are explicit…”
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Non-planar one-loop Parke-Taylor factors in the CHY approach for quadratic propagators
Published in The journal of high energy physics (01-05-2018)“…A bstract In this work we have studied the Kleiss-Kuijf relations for the recently introduced Parke-Taylor factors at one-loop in the CHY approach, that…”
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The QED four – photon amplitudes off-shell: Part 1
Published in Nuclear physics. B (01-06-2023)“…The present paper is the first in a series of four where we use the worldline formalism to obtain the QED four-photon amplitude completely off-shell. We…”
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Reducible contributions to quantum electrodynamics in external fields
Published in The journal of high energy physics (01-05-2019)“…A bstract We consider one-particle reducible (1PR) contributions to QED and scalar QED processes in external fields, at one-loop and two-loop order. We…”
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The QED four-photon amplitudes off-shell: Part 2
Published in Nuclear physics. B (01-06-2023)“…This is the second one of a series of four papers devoted to a first calculation of the scalar and spinor QED four-photon amplitudes completely off-shell. We…”
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Manifest colour-kinematics duality and double-copy in the string-based formalism
Published in Nuclear physics. B (01-02-2022)“…The relation for the gravity polarisation tensor as the tensor product of two gluon polarisation vectors has been well-known for a long time, but a version of…”
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Compton-like scattering of a scalar particle with N photons and one graviton
Published in Nuclear physics. B (01-01-2020)“…Tree-level scattering amplitudes for a scalar particle coupled to an arbitrary number N of photons and a single graviton are computed. We employ the worldline…”
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Master formulas for the dressed scalar propagator in a constant field
Published in Nuclear physics. B (01-06-2017)“…The worldline formalism has previously been used for deriving compact master formulas for the one-loop N-photon amplitudes in both scalar and spinor QED, and…”
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U(N) Yang-Mills in non-commutative space time
Published in The journal of high energy physics (01-04-2019)“…A bstract We present an approach to U ⋆ ( N ) Yang-Mills theory in non-commutative space based upon a novel phase-space analysis of the dynamical fields with…”
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Generalized LKF Transformations for -Point Fermion Correlators in QED
Published in Moscow University physics bulletin (2022)“…Within the worldline approach to quantum electrodynamics (QED), a change of the photon’s covariant gauge parameter is investigated to analyse the…”
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Form factor decompositions of the QCD four - gluon vertex
Published in EPJ Web of conferences (01-01-2018)“…The Bern-Kosower formalism, originally developed around 1990 as a novel way of obtaining on-shell amplitudes in field theory as limits of string amplitudes,…”
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Obtaining Fully Polarized Amplitudes in Gauge Invariant Form
Published in Moscow University physics bulletin (01-04-2022)“…We describe progress applying the Worldline Formalism of quantum field theory to the fermion propagator dressed by -photons to study multi-linear Compton…”
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Multiphoton amplitude in a constant background field
Published in EPJ Web of Conferences (01-01-2018)“…In this contribution, we present our recent compact master formulas for the multiphoton amplitudes of a scalar propagator in a constant background field using…”
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Off-shell Ward identities for N-gluon amplitudes
Published in Europhysics letters (01-05-2020)“…Off-shell Ward identities in non-abelian gauge theory continue to be a subject of active research, since they are, in general, inhomogeneous and their form…”
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A covariant representation of the Ball–Chiu vertex
Published in Nuclear physics. B (21-04-2013)“…In nonabelian gauge theory the three-gluon vertex function contains important structural information, in particular on infrared divergences, and is also an…”
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Sauter-Schwinger Effect for Colliding Laser Pulses
Published in Physical review letters (09-12-2022)“…Via a combination of analytical and numerical methods, we study electron-positron pair creation by the electromagnetic field A(t,r)=[f(ct-x)+f(ct+x)]e_{y} of…”
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Generalized LKF Transformations for $$\boldsymbol{N}$$-Point Fermion Correlators in QED
Published in Moscow University physics bulletin (01-04-2022)Get full text
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String-inspired representations of photon/gluon amplitudes
Published in The journal of high energy physics (01-01-2013)“…A bstract The string-based Bern-Kosower rules provide an efficient way for obtaining parameter integral representations of the one-loop N -photon/gluon…”
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Noncommutative U(1) gauge theory from a worldline perspective
Published in The journal of high energy physics (01-11-2015)“…A bstract We study pure noncommutative U(1) gauge theory representing its one-loop effective action in terms of a phase space worldline path integral. We write…”
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Assisted neutrino pair production in combined external fields
Published 12-04-2023“…Neutrino--antineutrino ($\nu\bar\nu$) pair production is one of the main processes responsible for the energy loss of stars. Apart from the collision of two…”
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