Search Results - "Aguilar Jurado, Miguel Ángel"
Appropriate Self-Perceived Behaviors in Primary Education Pupils During Sports Games
Published in Frontiers in psychology (17-07-2020)“…Based on the results obtained from primary education students—fifth and sixth graders—the aim of this work is to check the appropriate self-perceived behaviors…”
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Habits and behaviours related to the health in adolescents during their leisure time
Published in Anales de psicología (Murcia, Spain) (01-01-2019)“…This research attempts to determine which are the common practices related to the participation in sport and physical activities within the consumption of…”
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Effects of an Educational Glass Recycling Program against Environmental Pollution in Spain
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (14-12-2019)“…In this article, we analyzed the effects of an educational glass recycling program on primary schools and their students in Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). A…”
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Efectos del programa Promociona contra el fracaso escolar en alumnos de raza gitana
Published in Revista investigación educativa (01-07-2020)“…Uno de los colectivos más afectados por el fracaso escolar, en España, se corresponde con el pueblo gitano. En este estudio, se realizó una investigación sobre…”
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Hábitos y comportamientos relacionados con la salud de los adolescentes en su tiempo de ocio
Published in Anales de psicología (Murcia, Spain) (01-01-2019)“…Este estudio trata de determinar cuáles son las prácticas habituales en relación a la participación en actividades físicas y deportivas junto con el consumo de…”
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