Search Results - "Acosta Feria, M"

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    Primary hyperparathyroidism in pregnancy by García, MJ Amaya, Feria, M Acosta, Moreno, A Soto, Fuentes, E Dios, González, E Navarro, Thong, D Quijada, Del Valle, A, Delgado, D Acosta, Jiménez, R Astorga

    Published in Gynecological endocrinology (01-08-2004)
    “…Gestational primary hyperparathyroidism presents with features which, from a physiological and prognostic viewpoint, entail great difficulty in diagnosis and a…”
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    Cementoblastoma involving the maxillary sinus by Infante-Cossio, P, Hernandez-Guisado, J.M, Acosta-Feria, M, Carranza-Carranza, A

    “…Abstract A cementoblastoma is rare, benign, and of odontogenic ectomesenchymal origin, usually associated with the roots of the first mandibular tooth. We…”
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    Primary intraosseous hemangioma of the orbit: report of two cases by Torres-Carranza, E, García-Perla, A, Infante-Cossío, P, Acosta-Feria, M, Belmonte-Caro, R, Gutiérrez-Pérez, J L

    Published in Neurocirugía (Asturias, Spain) (01-08-2007)
    “…Primary intraosseous hemangioma, though rarely affect the bones of the orbit, should be considered in the differential diagnosis when a patient presents an…”
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    Hemangioma intraóseo primario de la órbita: a propósito de dos casos by Torres Carranza, E, García-Perla García, Alberto, Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis, Belmonte Caro, Rodolfo, Infante Cossío, Pedro, Acosta Feria, M

    Published in Neurocirugía (Asturias, Spain) (2007)
    “…El hemangioma intraóseo primario, aunque rara vez afecta a los huesos de la órbita, se debe tener en cuenta en el diagnóstico diferencial en aquellos pacientes…”
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    Facial disability index (FDI): adaptation to Spanish, reliability and validity by Gonzalez-Cardero, Eduardo, Infante-Cossio, Pedro, Cayuela, Aurelio, Acosta-Feria, Manuel, Gutierrez-Perez, Jose-Luis

    “…To adapt to Spanish the facial disability index (FDI) described by VanSwearingen and Brach in 1995 and to assess its reliability and validity in patients with…”
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    Frontal sinus obliteration using tibial bone graft and platelet-rich plasma for the treatment of chronic osteomyelitis by Acosta-Feria, M, Infante-Cossío, P, Hernández-Guisado, J M, Torres-Carranza, E, García-Perla, A, Belmonte-Caro, R, Gutiérrez-Pérez, J L

    Published in Neurocirugía (Asturias, Spain) (01-08-2006)
    “…The more successfully surgical treatment for the treatment of chronic frontal sinusitis complicated with chronic osteomielitis, is the cleaning and curettage…”
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    Surgical treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism in pregnancy by Acosta-Feria, M, Amaya-García, M J, Martos, J M, Razak, A, Lozano, M, Salvador-Almeida, D, Soto-Moreno, A, del Valle, A

    Published in Cirugia Española (01-05-2005)
    “…Primary hyperparathyroidism during pregnancy is a pathological entity with an unknown incidence that presents certain physiological, therapeutic and prognostic…”
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    Fibroma desmoplásico de mandíbula asociado a esclerosis tuberosa: Revisión de la literatura y presentación de un caso by Acosta Feria, M., Infante Cossío, P., López Vaquero, D., Carranza Carranza, A., Gutiérrez Pérez, J.L.

    “…La esclerosis tuberosa es una anomalía congénita del desarrollo embrionario que se transmite de forma autosómica dominante caracterizada por la presencia por…”
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    Colgajo libre radial de doble paleta cutánea para reconstrucción de lengua y suelo de boca by Acosta Feria, M., Infante Cossío, P., García-Perla García, A., Torres Carranza, E., Belmonte Caro, R., Gutiérrez Pérez, J.L.

    “…Introducción. La cirugía reconstructiva tras la exéresis de tumores malignos que afectan a la lengua y al suelo de boca, continúa siendo uno de los grandes…”
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    Limitation of mouth opening caused by osteochondroma of the coronoid process by Acosta-Feria, Manuel, MD, Villar-Puchades, Raquel, MD, Haro-Luna, Juan José, MD, Ramos-Medina, Benito, MD, García-Solano, Eulalia, MD

    “…Background Osteochondroma at the level of the coronoid process is unusual, causing a slowly progressive facial asymmetry and limitation of mouth opening…”
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