Search Results - "Acosta, Rodrigo"
Self-collection of vaginal specimens for human papillomavirus testing in cervical cancer prevention (MARCH): a community-based randomised controlled trial
Published in The Lancet (British edition) (26-11-2011)“…Summary Background Vaginal self-sampling for human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing could increase rates of screening participation. In clinic-based settings,…”
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Toll-like receptor 4 promotes bladder cancer progression upon S100A8/A9 binding, which requires TIRAP-mediated TPL2 activation
Published in Biochemical and biophysical research communications (17-12-2022)“…Bladder cancer is an often widely disseminated and deadly cancer. To block the malignant outgrowth of bladder cancer, we must elucidate the molecular-level…”
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FPGA-Based Numerical Simulation of the Chaotic Synchronization of Chua Circuits
Published in Computation (01-09-2024)“…The objective of this work was to design and implement a system based on reconfigurable hardware as a study tool for the synchronization of chaotic circuits…”
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Simplified indicator of socioeconomic status in short surveys: a proposal based on assets and services
Published in Salud pública de México (01-07-2015)“…To develop a socioeconomic index for brief surveys that allows a classification in relation to a reference population with a parsimonious approach. A…”
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Factors predicting pathological upgrading after prostatectomy in patients with Gleason grade group 1 prostate cancer based on opinion-matched biopsy specimens
Published in Molecular and clinical oncology (01-04-2020)“…The present study investigated the concordance between Gleason scores assigned to prostate biopsy specimens by outside pathologists and a urological pathology…”
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Impact of Sarcopenia on Erectile Function after Nerve-Sparing Robot-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy
Published in The world journal of men's health (01-10-2021)“…To determine the impact of sarcopenia on erectile functional outcomes after a nerve-sparing (NS) robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) using…”
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Hematological ratios as markers of lupus activity in Paraguayan patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
Published in Medicina clínica y social (20-09-2024)“…Introduction: The neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and the platelet/lymphocyte ratio (PLR) are markers of inflammation and prognosis in systemic diseases…”
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First report of overwintering in tadpoles of Odontophrynus occidentalis (Anura: Odontophrynidae) from Argentina
Published in Phyllomedusa (29-06-2020)Get full text
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A prática de análise linguística nos cursos de licenciatura em letras: um olhar para a formação inicial
Published in Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada (01-10-2022)“…Este artigo busca promover reflexões sobre a prática de análise linguística (PAL), um dos eixos articuladores do ensino de língua portuguesa no Brasil (BRASIL,…”
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Transformers for mapping burned areas in Brazilian Pantanal and Amazon with PlanetScope imagery
Published in International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation (01-02-2023)“…Pantanal is the largest continuous wetland in the world, but its biodiversity is currently endangered by catastrophic wildfires that occurred in the last three…”
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Reporte de casos con deformidad articular: Artropatía de Jaccoud
Published in Revista paraguaya de reumatología (01-09-2023)“…El médico Francois-Sigismond Jaccoud, describió en 1869 en un paciente joven con fiebre reumática (FR), algunas deformidades articulares que las mismas…”
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Notícias publicadas em revistas online para mulheres: O
Published in Linguagem em foco : revista do Programa de Pós-graduação em Linguística Aplicada da UECE (13-10-2021)“…O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar o pequeno cronotopo do gênero notícia publicado em revistas online direcionadas às mulheres. Em termos teóricos, a…”
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Entrevista com a Profa. Dra. Rosângela Hammes Rodrigues
Published in Fórum lingüístico (18-07-2024)“…Entrevista Interview Entrevista Não tem…”
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Joint Power Allocation and Power Splitting for MISO-RSMA Cognitive Radio Systems With SWIPT and Information Decoder Users
Published in IEEE systems journal (01-12-2021)“…In this article, we investigate the rate-splitting multiple access (RSMA) framework in a multiuser multiple-input single-output (MISO) underlay cognitive radio…”
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Nuevos registros de Pimelodella laticeps, Eigenmann, 1917 (Siluriformes, Heptapteridae) y ampliación de su distribución occidental hacia los Andes Centrales de Argentina
Published in Acta zoologica lilloana (07-07-2023)“…La falta de conocimiento detallado sobre la diversidad, distribución y biología de los peces de la provincia de San Juan, junto con la siembra permanente de…”
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Epibiosis por Balaenophilus unisetus (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) en rorcual común, Balaenoptera physalus (Mysticeti: Balaenopteridae), varado en isla de Margarita, Venezuela
Published in Marine and fishery sciences (En línea) (01-12-2020)“…La epibiosis es una estrategia común en muchos organismos acuáticos, y puede constituir una herramienta de estudio muy valiosa en ecología y conservación. Las…”
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Evaluación ecográfica del compromiso de entesis en pacientes con espondiloartritis
Published in Revista paraguaya de reumatología (01-12-2020)“…RESUMEN Introducción: La entesis es el órgano diana de la inflamación en las espondiloartritis (EspA) siendo clave en su fisiopatogenia. La ecografía está…”
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Impacto de la obesidad y su relación con la actividad de la enfermedad en pacientes con Artritis Reumatoide
Published in Revista paraguaya de reumatología (01-12-2018)“…RESUMEN Introducción: La artritis reumatoide (AR) es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica, caracterizada por la inflamación sinovial poliarticular, con una…”
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Upregulation of Mobility in Pancreatic Cancer Cells by Secreted S100A11 Through Activation of Surrounding Fibroblasts
Published in Oncology research (08-08-2019)“…S100A11, a member of the S100 family of proteins, is actively secreted from pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) cells. However, the role of the…”
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Ler e escrever na Universidade: um fazer sócio-histórico-cultural
Published in Linguagem em (dis)curso (01-08-2015)“…The present essay aims at delineating a theoretical and methodological discussion about the reading and writing teaching and learning practices in academic…”
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