Search Results - "Abholz, H"
Do general practitioners recognize mild cognitive impairment in their patients?
Published in The Journal of nutrition, health & aging (01-10-2010)“…Objectives The need for recognition of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in primary care is increasingly discussed because MCI is a risk factor for dementia…”
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Acupuncture points are large fields: The fuzziness of acupuncture point localization by doctors in practice
Published in European journal of pain (01-10-2012)“…Background Acupuncture textbooks, schools, practitioners and clinical researchers designing randomized controlled trials on acupuncture all assume that…”
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Chronic Pain in German General Practice
Published in Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.) (01-11-2009)“…ABSTRACT Introduction. This study evaluates the prevalence of chronic pain, intensity of pain, activity limitation, and pain‐related diagnoses in German…”
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Association of diabetes type 2 and depression - behavioural and biological aspects
Published in Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift (1946) (01-02-2014)“…Type 2 diabetes and depression often appear together. Although health behaviour and risk factors partially explain this association, other potential mechanisms…”
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Are there differences between patients with and without the homozygous--13910CC genetic variant in the MCM-6 gene upstream from the lactase gene?--A non-randomised, two armed intervention study without control group
Published in Clinical laboratory (Heidelberg) (2014)“…Patients with chronic abdominal complaints are a diagnostic challenge for general practitioners (GP). Lactose intolerance (LI) often remains undiagnosed in…”
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Epidemiological methods for health services research
Published in Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Ärzte des Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany)) (01-10-2009)“…On July 1, 2009, the German Network for Health Services Research [Deutsches Netzwerk Versorgungsforschung e. V. (DNVF e. V.)] approved the Memorandum III…”
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Reliability of morbidity data reported by GPs. Results of a longitudinal study in primary care
Published in Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz (01-02-2012)“…Data on prevalence of chronic diseases are important for planning health care services. Such prevalence data are mostly based on patient self-reports, claims…”
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Discrimination of Blacks on account of their skin colour? Results of focus group discussions with victims in the German health-care system
Published in Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Ärzte des Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany)) (01-01-2008)“…In spite of a number of researches on immigrants in the German Health System, there has hardly been any research on immigrant's experiences with General…”
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Health services research: essential for allocation decisions - joint statement
Published in Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift (1946) (01-12-2011)Get more information
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Prävention in der Medizin: Integration in und Widerspruch zu kurativer Medizin
Published in Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung (01-01-2006)Get full text
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Apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 genotype and a physically active lifestyle in late life: analysis of gene-environment interaction for the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease dementia
Published in Psychological medicine (01-04-2014)“…As physical activity may modify the effect of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 allele on the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease (AD) dementia, we tested…”
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The value of the GP's clinical judgement in predicting dementia: a multicentre prospective cohort study among patients in general practice
Published in British journal of general practice (01-11-2019)“…Clinical judgement is intrinsic to diagnostic strategies in general practice; however, empirical evidence for its validity is sparse. To ascertain whether a…”
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Are women getting relevant information about mammography screening for an informed consent: a critical appraisal of information brochures used for screening invitation in Germany, Italy, Spain and France
Published in European journal of public health (01-08-2010)“…Background: The aim was to find out if information brochures on mammography screening in Germany, Italy, Spain and France contain more information to…”
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Mild cognitive impairment in general practice: age-specific prevalence and correlate results from the German study on ageing, cognition and dementia in primary care patients (AgeCoDe)
Published in Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders (01-01-2007)“…Although mild cognitive impairment (MCI) represents a high-risk factor for developing dementia, little is known about the prevalence of MCI among patients of…”
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Geriatric assessment in general practice using a screening instrument: is it worth the effort? Results of a South Tyrol Study
Published in Age and ageing (01-11-2008)“…Background: geriatric assessment is a well-established instrument to improve the care of the elderly, but little is known about it in general practice although…”
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Cancer incidence on a small island - Research opportunities in general practice
Published in Scandinavian journal of primary health care (01-03-1996)“…Objective - To test the impression of an increased cancer incidence on the island of Pellworm (in the far North of Germany) and to illustrate the feasibility…”
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Is COPD a rare disease? Prevalence and identification rates in smokers aged 40 years and over within general practice in Germany
Published in Family practice (01-02-2009)“…Background. According to literature, COPD rates are high in spite of decreasing rates of main risk factors smoking and air pollution in developed countries…”
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Fluoroquinolones to treat uncomplicated acute cough in primary care: predictors for unjustified prescribing of antibiotics
Published in Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy (01-07-2010)“…Background Despite efforts to ensure more accurate prescribing of antibiotics for respiratory tract infections, inappropriate selection of antibiotic treatment…”
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Responding to serious medical error in general practice—consequences for the GPs involved: analysis of 75 cases from Germany
Published in Family practice (01-02-2008)“…Objectives. GPs’ recollections about their ‘most serious errors in treatment’ and about the consequences for themselves. Does it make a difference, who (else)…”
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Sputum colour for diagnosis of a bacterial infection in patients with acute cough
Published in Scandinavian journal of primary health care (01-01-2009)“…Objective. Sputum colour plays an important role in the disease concepts for acute cough, both in the patients' and the doctors' view. However, it is unclear…”
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