Search Results - "Abdolkarimi, Leyla"
Whole-exome sequencing revealed a likely pathogenic variant in NF1 causing neurofibromatosis type I and Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy
Published in BMC cardiovascular disorders (23-04-2024)“…Neurofibromatosis type I (NF1) is a genetic disorder characterized by the tumor's development in nerve tissue. Complications of NF1 can include pigmented…”
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A survey of demographic properties of patients who died in intensive care units and their association with the death hour
Published in Medicina Clínica Práctica (01-07-2023)“…Poor sleep hygiene and the hour of changing shifts are among the most important factors which affect the quality of services in the intensive care unit. The…”
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Epidemiology of cause and burn pattern in self-immolated patients during 2014-2020
Published in Health science monitor (01-04-2023)“…Background & Aims: Lots of suicides leading to death in Iran are related to self-immolation. This study aimed to evaluate the cause and burn patterns in…”
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Estimating Stature and Gender by the Length of the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Fingers of Dominant Hand in Iranian Adults
Published in International journal of medical toxicology and forensic medicine (13-03-2022)“…Background: Stature and gender are essential parameters of forensic anthropology. Moreover, their estimation is critical for medico-legal investigations to…”
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Pattern of inflicted injuries to motorcyclists referred to Hazrat-E-Rasoul Akram hospital in Tehran during 2015 - 2016
Published in Journal of family medicine and primary care (01-11-2021)“…Introduction: In recent years, road accidents have been one of the leading causes of death in Iran, with the majority of victims being motorcyclists. Accurate…”
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Evaluation of Characteristics of Inpatient Falls in Rasoul Akram Hospital
Published in International journal of medical toxicology and forensic medicine (03-10-2021)Get full text
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Investigating Emergency Nurses’ Awareness on the Differentiation Between Acute Methanol and Ethanol Intoxication
Published in International journal of medical toxicology and forensic medicine (03-10-2021)“…Background: Alcohol intoxication is among the leading and preventable causes of death, disability, and injury in numerous societies. Ethanol and methanol are…”
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Effect of current pathway on mortality and morbidity in electrical burn patients
Published in Burns (01-02-2015)“…Abstract Introduction Electrical injury is relatively uncommon but it is a devastating form of thermal injury. The aim of this study is to analyze specific…”
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Epidemiologic study of burns in elderly people over 60 years old
Published in Majallah-i Danishkadah-'i Pizishki (01-07-2018)“…Background: Burns are one of the most devastating forms of trauma worldwide. In the elderly, flame and scald burns, or scalds alone, are the major causes of…”
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Association Between Adrenal Hematoma and Mortality in Pediatric Multiple Blunt Traumas: An Autopsy Evaluation
Published in Global journal of health science (04-08-2016)“…Adrenal hematoma is a common hidden catastrophic complication in pediatric victims of multiple blunt traumas. Adrenal hematoma has no obvious symptoms and may…”
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