Search Results - "ARITO YOZU"
Human upright posture control models based on multisensory inputs; in fast and slow dynamics
Published in Neuroscience research (01-03-2016)“…•The studies for postural control to maintain an upright stance are reviewed.•We discuss short- and long-term alterations in multisensory integration.•We found…”
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Multiple patterns of infant rolling in limb coordination and ground contact pressure
Published in Experimental brain research (01-09-2021)“…Infants acquire the ability to roll over from the supine to the prone position, which requires body coordination of multiple degrees of freedom under dynamic…”
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Peak vertical ground force of hand-knee crawling in human adults
Published in Journal of Physical Therapy Science (01-01-2023)“…[Abstract]. [Purpose] Fall risk is immanent in humans because they are bipedal. Bipedalism has transited from quadrupedalism in both evolutional and…”
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Cathodal tDCS on the motor area decreases the tactile threshold of the distal pulp of the hallux
Published in Neuroscience letters (06-02-2020)“…•Foot-sole tactile sensation is essential to gait.•Little is known about the effect of tDCS on sensory function in the feet.•Cathodal tDCS on the left motor…”
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Developing a Novel Prosthetic Hand with Wireless Wearable Sensor Technology Based on User Perspectives: A Pilot Study
Published in Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) (01-05-2024)“…Myoelectric hands are beneficial tools in the daily activities of people with upper-limb deficiencies. Because traditional myoelectric hands rely on detecting…”
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Effect of Trunk Solution® on hemodynamics in the supplementary motor area during walking
Published in Journal of Physical Therapy Science (01-01-2023)“…[Purpose] Humans keep their trunks vertical while walking. This defining characteristic is known as upright bipedalism. Research on the neural control of…”
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Experience of After-Effect of Memory Update Reduces Sensitivity to Errors During Sensory-Motor Adaptation Task
Published in Frontiers in human neuroscience (15-03-2021)“…Motor learning is the process of updating motor commands in response to a trajectory error induced by a perturbation to the body or vision. The brain has a…”
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Nutritional improvement is associated with better functional outcome in stroke rehabilitation: A cross-sectional study using controlling nutritional status
Published in Journal of rehabilitation medicine (18-03-2020)“…To investigate the relationship between changes in nutritional status and the functional outcome of adult post-stroke patients hospitalized for rehabilitation…”
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Kinematic changes in goal-directed movements in a fear-conditioning paradigm
Published in Scientific reports (27-05-2021)“…In individuals with a musculoskeletal disorder, goal-directed reaching movements of the hand are distorted. Here, we investigated a pain-related…”
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Ipsilesional spatial bias after a focal cerebral infarction in the medial agranular cortex: A mouse model of unilateral spatial neglect
Published in Behavioural brain research (05-03-2021)“…•Infarction of the right AGm leads to ipsilesional spatial bias.•The severity of this bias is severe when the infarction size is large.•Mice with anterior AGm…”
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Relationship between total weight-bearing response of the navicular and talus bones and weight-bearing response of hindfoot valgus in normal foot arch
Published in The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (25-03-2021)“…Assessment of the total weight-bearing response of the navicular and talus bones is essential for evaluating the load absorption function. Although the…”
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Effect of experimentally induced plantar pain on trunk posture during gait
Published in Journal of Physical Therapy Science (01-01-2023)“…[Purpose] Plantar pain is associated with the prevalence of low back pain. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that some kind of physical change should be…”
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Interaction of the Left–Right Somatosensory Pathways in Patients With Thalamic Hemorrhage: A Case Report
Published in Frontiers in human neuroscience (01-11-2021)“…Neural plasticity compensates for the loss of motor function after stroke. However, whether neural plasticity occurs in the somatosensory pathways after stroke…”
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Direct evidence of EEG coherence in alleviating phantom limb pain by virtual referred sensation: Case report
Published in Neurocase (01-02-2020)“…Virtual reality (VR) systems have been integrated into rehabilitation techniques for phantom limb pain (PLP). In this case report, we used…”
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Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy types 4 and 5: Review and proposal of a new rehabilitation method
Published in Neuroscience research (01-03-2016)“…•Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy types 4 and 5 are reviewed.•HSAN-4 and -5 are characterized by insensitivity to pain and thermal sensation.•HSAN-4…”
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Effect of botulinum toxin type A treatment in children with cerebral palsy: Sequential physical changes for 3 months after the injection
Published in Brain & development (Tokyo. 1979) (01-06-2018)“…This study investigated the sequential physical changes after botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) injected in children with cerebral palsy. Nine children with…”
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The Effects of a Medial Heel Wedge on the Weight-Bearing Response of Hindfoot Valgus and the Total Weight-Bearing Responses of the Navicular and Talus Bones
Published in The Asian journal of kinesiology (01-07-2021)“…OBJECTIVES Medial heel wedges are commonly prescribed to manage the weight-bearing response of hindfoot valgus and the total weight-bearing responses of the…”
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Analysis of abnormal posture in patients with Parkinson's disease using a computational model considering muscle tones
Published in Frontiers in computational neuroscience (05-10-2023)“…Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) exhibit distinct abnormal postures, including neck-down, stooped postures, and Pisa syndrome, collectively termed…”
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Contralateral and Ipsilateral Interactions in the Somatosensory Pathway in Healthy Humans
Published in Frontiers in systems neuroscience (17-08-2021)“…Hyper-adaptability, the ability to adapt to changes in the internal environment caused by neurological disorders, is necessary to recover from various…”
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Effects of medication and dual tasking on postural sway in Parkinson's disease: A pilot case study
Published in Advanced robotics (18-07-2021)“…Parkinson's disease (PD) is a common neurological disorder, which causes instability in standing balance. The risk factors for falls in PD include disease…”
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