Search Results - "A.V. Chernyshov"

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  1. 1

    Some results of the integrity control of optical discs with recording based on the results of four years of storage in the archive by Chernyshov, A.V.

    “…Background. When designing electronic archives of long-term storage based on write once optical disks, it is necessary to take into account many parameters,…”
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    Journal Article
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    Comparative characteristics of COVID-19 vaccines by Chernyshova, L.I., Chernyshov, A.V.

    Published in Aktualʹnai͡a︡ infektologii͡a (28-09-2021)
    “…Background. The outbreak of the disease, caused by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, began in mid-December 2019 in China. The infection quickly spread around the…”
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    Study of operation of four-screen shoes of grain-cleaning separators by Chernyshov, A.V., Orobinsky, V.I., Gievsky, A.M., Baskakov, I.V.

    Published in BIO web of conferences (01-01-2024)
    “…Screen shoes with three layout schemes of sieve arrangement were studied. There are separation and head screens installed in the upper tier in the first and…”
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    Journal Article Conference Proceeding
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    Viral pneumonia in children: present and future by Chernyshova, L.I., Chernyshov, A.V.

    Published in Suchasna pediatrii︠a︡. Ukraïna (28-02-2024)
    “…Purpose - to attract attention and provide information about modern approaches to the diagnosis of viral pneumonia, which in the future will make it possible…”
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  6. 6

    Monkeypox (mpox) is a new problem on a global scale for humanity by Chernyshova, L.I., Chernyshov, A.V.

    Published in Suchasna pediatrii︠a︡. Ukraïna (27-02-2023)
    “…Purpose - to draw attention to an infection that was little known, but has now become a global problem for society; to familiarize readers with the…”
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    Magnetization reversal and sign reversal exchange bias field in polycrystalline Ni5.33Ta0.67B2O10 by Sofronova, S.N., Kazak, N.V., Eremin, E.V., Moshkina, E.M., Chernyshov, A.V., Bovina, A.F.

    Published in Journal of alloys and compounds (25-05-2021)
    “…The sign reversal of both magnetization and exchange bias field was studied in the polycrystalline Ni5.33Ta0.67B2O10. The crystal structure of…”
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    Dynamics of the frequency of hospitalizations of children under 5 years of age with rotavirus infection in the absence of universal vaccination against rotavirus (15-year follow-up) by Chernyshova, L.I., Radionova, N.M., Demchyshina, I.V., Kasyan, O.I., Teslenko, M.Yu, Chernyshov, A.V.

    Published in Suchasna pediatrii︠a︡. Ukraïna (29-10-2022)
    “…Purpose - to monitor the dynamics of the frequency of hospitalization of children under 5 years of age with rotavirus infection during 15 years in the absence…”
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    Study of diamond-like carbon films for protective coatings by Kudoyarova, V.Kh, Chernyshov, A.V., Zvonareva, T.K., Dzhelepova, N.B., Tsolov, M.B.

    Published in Surface & coatings technology (01-03-1998)
    “…Interest in investigating thin films of diamond-like carbon (DLC, a-C:H) has been motivated by the unique properties of this material and the demand of modern…”
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  10. 10

    Мавпяча віспа (mpox) - нова проблема глобального масштабу для людства by L.I. Chernyshova, A.V. Chernyshov

    Published in Suchasna pediatrii︠a︡. Ukraïna (01-02-2023)
    “…Мета - привернути увагу до інфекції, яка була маловідомою, але тепер стала проблемою глобального масштабу для суспільства; ознайомити читачів з особливостями…”
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  11. 11

    Динаміка частоти госпіталізацій дітей віком до 5 років із ротавірусною інфекцією в умовах відсутності універсальної вакцинації проти ротавірусу (15-річне спостереження) by L.I. Chernyshova, N.M. Radionova, I.V. Demchyshina, O.I. Kasyan, M.Yu. Teslenko, A.V. Chernyshov

    Published in Suchasna pediatrii︠a︡. Ukraïna (01-10-2022)
    “…Мета - простежити в динаміці за 15 років частоту госпіталізації дітей до 5-річного віку з ротавірусною інфекцією в умовах відсутності універсальної вакцинації;…”
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  12. 12

    Factors of Innate and Adaptive Local Immunity in Children with Primary Deficiencies of Antibody Formation by L.I. Chernyshova, S.A. Yakymovych, A.V. Chernyshov, B.V. Donskoy, L.V. Stamboli

    Published in Zdorovʹe rebenka (01-10-2013)
    “…In 40 children with various types of primary immunodeficiencies (PID) of antibody formation we examined factors of local immunity in saliva. It is found that…”
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    Factors of Innate and Adaptive Local Immunity in Children with Primary Deficiencies of Antibody Formation by L.I. Chernyshova, S.A. Yakymovych, A.V. Chernyshov, B.V. Donskoy, L.V. Stamboli

    Published in Zdorovʹe rebenka (01-10-2013)
    “…In 40 children with various types of primary immunodeficiencies (PID) of antibody formation we examined factors of local immunity in saliva. It is found that…”
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    Фактори вродженого та адаптивного місцевого імунітету в дітей із первинними дефіцитами антитілоутворення by Chernyshova, L.I., Yakymovych, S.A., Chernyshov, A.V., Donskoy, B.V., Stamboli, L.V.

    Published in Zdorovʹe rebenka (01-11-2013)
    “…У 40 дітей із різними варіантами первинних імунодефіцитів (ПІД) антитілоутворення ви­вчалися фактори місцевого імунітету в слині. Установлено, що в слині всіх…”
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