Search Results - "황소영"

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  1. 1

    생태 자연도 1등급 권역 내 지형의 공간분포 현황 by 윤혜연, 황소영, 박현수

    Published in Geo Data (01-06-2024)
    “…In this study, spatial distribution analysis was conducted on the landforms that appearwithin the 1st grade area using the ecology and nature map of 2023. As a…”
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  2. 2

    Screening of Pepper and Tomato Grafted Seedling Cultivars for Intumescence Susceptibility by Yun, Ji Hye, Hwang, So Yeong, Yu, Jin, Hwang, Jeong Hun, Park, Eun Won, Jeong, Hyeon Woo, Hwang, Hee Sung, Hwang, Seung Jae

    Published in Weon'ye gwahag gi'sulji (31-10-2024)
    “…Intumescence is a physiological disorder in which epidermal cells become enlarged, thereby decreasing the commercial value of crops. This disorder occurs under…”
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  3. 3

    접목 후 오이 묘의 품종별 적정 주간 및 야간온도 by 황소영(So Yeong Hwang), 윤지혜(Ji Hye Yun), 유진(Jin Yu), 황정훈(Jeong Hun Hang), 박은원(Eun Won Park), 정현우(Hyeon Woo Jeong), 황희성(Hee Sung Hwang), 황승재(Seung Jae Hwang)

    Published in Weon'ye gwahag gi'sulji (01-08-2024)
    “…본 연구는 온도에 따른 오이 접목묘의 품종별 생육 특성을 조사하고, 접목 활착 후 적정 주야간온도를 구명하기 위해 수행되었다. 오이(Cucumis sativus L.) 접수는 낙원성청장(NakWonSeongcheongjang, NS), 신세대(Sinsedae, SD), 그리고…”
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  4. 4

    Development of analysis technique to predict the material behavior of blowing agent by Hwang, Ji Hoon, Lee, Seonggi, Hwang, So Young, Kim, Naksoo

    Published in Korea-Australia rheology journal (01-11-2014)
    “…In order to numerically simulate the foaming behavior of mastic sealer containing the blowing agent, a foaming and driving force model are needed which…”
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  5. 5

    Analysis of mechanism of backflow defect of the aluminum wheel flow forming by Cha, Wan-gi, Hwang, So Young, Kim, Naksoo, Lee, Cheol-soo

    “…Aluminum wheel flow forming is a combined technique of spinning and flow forming, which produces parts with complex axisymmetric geometries and reduces wall…”
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