Search Results - "조성"
Peripherally inserted central catheter procedure at the bedside by a nephrologist is safe and successful
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (01-03-2021)“…Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) use among critically ill patients with or without acute kidney injury (AKI) has gradually increased…”
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The feasibility of surgical salvage of thrombosed arteriovenous fistula by an interventional nephrologist
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (01-06-2017)“…Salvage of a thrombosed arteriovenous fistula (AVF) by secondary fistula conversion may be more effective than a conventional endovascular procedure for…”
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Protein Adsorption and Bacterial Adhesion Resistance of Cross‐linked Copolymer Hydrogels Based on Poly(2‐methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine) and Poly(2‐hydroxyethyl methacrylate)
Published in Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society (01-04-2020)“…Herein, the preparation of the cross‐linked copolymer hydrogels composed of various weight ratios of 2‐methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) and…”
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Value of Doppler evaluation of physically abnormal fistula: hemodynamic guidelines and access outcomes
Published in The Korean journal of internal medicine (01-01-2019)“…The strategy of access care at out center involves the use of ultrasound (USG) in case of physical examination (PE) abnormality. USG determines the need of…”
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Columnar Liquid Crystalline Self-Assembly of Hydrogen-Bonded Rod-Coil Diblock Complexes Created from Pyrazole/Benzoic acid Derivatives
Published in Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society (01-11-2015)“…The hydrogen‐bonded rod–coil diblock complexes consisting of bithiophene‐conjugated pyrazole derivatives and alkoxy‐substituted benzoic acid derivatives…”
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Clinical experience with ultrasound guided angioplasty for vascular access
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (01-03-2017)“…The use of ultrasound guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (UG-PTA), which use ultrasound as an imaging modality, is an evolving strategy. But, in…”
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Type 2 Cardiorenal Syndrome으로 투석을 시행한 환자의 특징과 생존율
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (30-11-2011)“…Purpose: We evaluated clinical outcomes in patients with type 2 cardiorenal syndrome who were treated with peritoneal dialysis (PD) or hemodialysis (HD)…”
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수술 전 혈관평가와 수술자의 차이가 동정맥루의 종류와 개존율에 미치는 영향
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (30-05-2011)“…To evaluate the effects of specialty of the operator and of preoperative ultrasonic mapping at the time of AVF creation on access outcomes, we studied 224…”
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근위부 요골요측피 동정맥루의 임상적 경험
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (30-01-2011)“…목적: 당뇨, 노령 환자에서 동맥경화가 일어난 원위부 요골동맥을 사용 못하는 경우 상완요측피 동정맥루 (BC)를 조성하기에 앞서 상완동맥의 분기점 이하의 근위부 요골동맥을 사용하여 동정맥루를 조성함으로써 전완의 정맥을 사용할 수 있고 단락의 방향을 양 방향으로 사용함으로써 장기…”
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Propylthiouracil 복용 후 발생한 ANCA positive RPGN 1예
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (01-05-2010)“…Anti neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-positive vasculitis and crescentic glomerulonephritis has been rarely reported in patients suffering from Graves'…”
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Propylthiouracil 복용 후 발생한 ANCA positive RPGN
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (30-05-2010)“…Anti neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-positive vasculitis and crescentic glomerulonephritis has been rarely reported in patients suffering from Graves`…”
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이식신에 국소성으로 발생한 침습성 아스페르길루스증 1예
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (30-03-2010)“…Though the development of immunosuppressive agents has increased the survival rate of transplanted kidneys, the opportunistic infection has increased in…”
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잉어 담즙 생식 후 병발된 무뇨성 급성신부전과급성간염 및 횡문근융해증 1예
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (01-05-2008)“…Gall bladder of a common carp is taken in some areas of Asia as a traditional medicine for improvement of their general health problems like hypertension, poor…”
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단일 신장 섬유근성 이형성증에 의한 급성신부전 1예
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (01-05-2008)“…Among complications of fibromuscular dysplasia are uncontrolled hypertension, aneurysm and, albeit very rare, renal failure, especially in a single kidney. We…”
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수술 전 초음파를 이용한 Venous Mapping이 혈관접근로 형성에미치는 효과
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (01-02-2007)“…목 적 : 최근 초음파를 사용한 적극적인 venous mapping으로 자가혈관 수술률이 높아지고 성숙장애 (maturation failure)가 줄어든다는 보고가 있으나 국내 보고는 드문 실정이다. 본원에서는 venous mapping이 자가혈관을 이용함에 어떠한 효과를 나타내고…”
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전격성 간부전의 경과를 보인 원발성 신 아밀로이드 증 1예
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (30-09-2009)“…We report the case of a patient with primary renal amyloidosis, who was progressed to fulminant hepatic failure. A 68-year-old man visited our hospital for…”
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복막투석 환자에서 TGF-β1 유전자 다형성과 동맥경화성 혈관질환 유병율과의 관계
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (30-11-2007)“…목 적: 동맥경화성 혈관 합병증은 말기신부전 환자의 주요한 유병율 및 사망의 원인이다. Transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-β 1)은 다양한 기능을 가진 사이토카 인으로서 동맥경화를 억제하는 작용이 있다. 복막투석 중인환자를 대상으로 TGF- β 1…”
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건강한 젊은 남자에서의 자발성 신동맥 및 복강동맥 박리 1예
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (30-09-2008)“…Spontaneous dissection of peripheral arteries unrelated to the aorta is rare. Cases reported in the literature have involved the renal arteries, the coronary…”
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단일 신장 섬유근성 이형성증에 의한 급성신부전
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (30-05-2008)“…Among complications of fibromuscular dysplasia are uncontrolled hypertension, aneurysm and, albeit very rare, renal failure, especially in a single kidney. We…”
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증례 잉어 담즙 생식 후 병발된 무뇨성 급성신부전과 급성간염 및 횡문근융해증
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (30-05-2008)“…Gall bladder of a common carp is taken in some areas of Asia as a traditional medicine for improvement of their general health problems like hypertension, poor…”
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