Search Results - "전재규"

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    성선자극호르몬유리호르몬 신경세포에서 성장에 따른 키스펩틴의 효과 by 바타라이저나던, Janardhan P Bhattarai, 박선아, Seon Ah Park, 윤화, Hua Yin, 박수정, Soo Joung Park, 전재규, Jae Gyu Jeon, 장기완, Kee Wan Chang, 이소영, So Young Lee, 류판동, Pan Dong Ryu, 한성규, Seong Kyu Han

    Published in Endocrinology and metabolism (Seoul) (30-10-2008)
    “…연구배경: 성선자극호르몬유리호르몬 (GnRH) 신경세포는 시상하부에 산발적으로 위치하며 뇌하수체 전엽에서 성선자극호르몬의 유리를 조절한다. Kisspeptin은 번식기능의 발육 및 조절에 주요한 역할을 담당한다. 최근 형질전환 마우스를 이용한 patch clamp 방법으로…”
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    실험연구 : Mongolian Gerbil 에서 유발시킨 전뇌허혈에 의한 해마 Polyamine 함량변동 및 신경세포손상에 대한 Melatonin 의 영향 by 이성룡, Seong Ryong Lee, 전재규, Jae Kyu Cheun

    Published in Korean journal of anesthesiology (30-05-2001)
    “…Background: We designed this study to examine whether melatonin has a neuroprotective effect against hippocampal neuronal damage following transient global…”
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    한국산 잡견에서 Nicardipine 사용에 따른 관상동맥 재관류 시 급성기의 혈역학 및 국소 심근 관류의 변화 by 이향림, 신원호, 장영호, 김애라, 김진모, 전재규, 유희구, 김윤년

    Published in Korean journal of anesthesiology (01-03-2002)
    “…=Changes in Hemodynamics and Local Myocardial Perfusion in the Acute Phase of CoronaryReperfusion by Using Nicardipine in Korean Mongrel DogsHyang Rim Lee,…”
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    이물질에 의한 척추마취 바늘 구멍의 폐쇄 by 장영호, Young Ho Jang, 전재규, Jae Kyu Cheun, 안윤정, Yoon Jung An

    Published in Korean journal of anesthesiology (30-08-2001)
    “…In general the appearance of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is the most important sign of adequate dura puncture. We experienced an unusual case of spinal failure…”
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    흰쥐 좌골신경에 신경파괴제 주입 후 초래되는 하지 운동과 신경조직학적 변화 by 전재규, Jae Kyu Cheun, 송선옥, Sun Ok Song, 정성원, Sung Won Jung

    Published in The Korean journal of pain (30-06-2001)
    “…Background: This study was undertaken to observe the functional changes of the hind limb and histopathological changes in the sciatic nerve after an injection…”
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    흉강경하 수술에서 이산화탄소 주입이 혈역학 및 동맥혈 가스에 미치는 영향 by 김명호, Myung Ho Kim, 김진모, Jin Mo Kim, 김애라, Ae Ra Kim, 전재규, Jae Kyu Cheun

    Published in Korean journal of anesthesiology (01-04-2001)
    “…Background: To visualize adequately the intrathoracic structures, creation of an artificial pneumo- thorax by carbon dioxide (CO2) insufflation under positive…”
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    실험견에서 간동맥과 문맥의 결찰 및 재관류 시 소량의 Nitroglycerin이 혈역학 및 국소 간 관류에 미치는 영향 by 최윤정, Yoon Jeong Choi, 장영호, Young Ho Jang, 양세호, Se Ho Yang, 김진모, Jin Mo Kim, 전재규, Jae Kyu Cheun, 유희구, Heui Koo Yoo, 조원현, Weon Hyun Cho, 전동석, Dong Seok Cheun

    Published in Korean journal of anesthesiology (30-12-2002)
    “…Background: To reduce massive blood loss during a hepatectomy, many anesthesiologists have used the technique of low central venous pressure maintenance by…”
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    흉부 경막외 차단 시 발생된 우발적 전척추마취 - 증례 보고 by 양세호, Se Ho Yang, 장영호, Young Ho Jang, 전재규, Jae Kyu Cheun

    Published in The Korean journal of pain (01-12-2001)
    “…Total spinal anesthesia is a serious life threatening complication of spinal and epidural anesthesia. We report an accidental total spinal anesthesia developed…”
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    전자궁적출술시 전신마취와 경막외마취가 혈역학에 미치는 영향의 비교 by 유한목, Han Mok You, 전재규, Jae Kyu Jeon, 김애라, Ae Ra Kim

    Published in Korean journal of anesthesiology (30-05-1999)
    “…Background : The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of postural change on hemodynamics using thoracic eletrical bioimpedance (TEB) device during…”
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    기관내 삽관시 Thiopental과 Propofol의 혈역학적 영향 : Thoracic Electrical Bioimpedance를 이용한 측정 by 김진모, Jin Mo Kim, 이상직, Sang Jick Lee, 전재규, Jae Kyu Jeon

    Published in Korean journal of anesthesiology (30-04-1999)
    “…Background: The purpose of this study is to delineate hemodynamic changes resulting from endotracheal intubation under the effects of thiopental sodium and…”
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    실험연구 : 흰쥐 좌골신경에 폐놀을 주입 또는 점적 후 신경조직의 초미세형태학적 변화 by 전재규, Jae Kyu Cheun, 김진모, Jin Mo Kim, 서순애, Soon Ae Suh, 정성원, Sung Won Jung

    Published in Korean journal of anesthesiology (30-04-2000)
    “…Background : Phenol is the most commonly used neurolytic agent for the management of intractable somatic pain, but side effects such as motor dysfunction and…”
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    다한증 환자에서 흉강경하 교감신경연쇄절단술시의 혈역학적 변화 by 박석, Seok Park, 김명호, Myung Ho Kim, 장영호, Young Ho Jang, 김진모, Jin Mo Kim, 김애라, Ae Ra Kim, 전재규, Jae Kyu Cheun

    Published in Korean journal of anesthesiology (30-05-2001)
    “…Background: A right thoracoscopic thoracic sympathicotomy involves the removal of T and T sympathetic chains. Since part of the sympathetic fibers to the heart…”
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    무통분만시 자궁수축에 따른 혈역학적 변동 by 정성원, Sung Won Chung, 전재규, Jae Kyu Cheun

    Published in Korean journal of anesthesiology (30-08-1996)
    “…Background: Continuous epidural analgesia is the most widely used technique in obstetric analgesia today. Hemodynamic changes during pregnancy were most…”
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