Search Results - "장현갑"
p21-Activated Kinase 4 (PAK4) as a Predictive Marker of Gemcitabine Sensitivity in Pancreatic Cancer Cell Lines
Published in Cancer research and treatment (01-07-2015)“…p21-activated kinases (PAKs) are involved in cytoskeletal reorganization, gene transcription, cell proliferation and survival, and oncogenic transformation…”
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Differences in obesity rates between people with and without disabilities and the association of disability and obesity: a nationwide population study in South Korea
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (01-07-2012)“…The objective of this study was to identify the differences in obesity rates among people with and without disabilities, and evaluate the relationship between…”
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Factors affecting public prejudice and social distance on mental illness: analysis of contextual effect by multi-level analysis
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (01-03-2012)“…While there have been many quantitative studies on the public's attitude towards mental illnesses, it is hard to find quantitative study which focused on the…”
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호암상 수상 기념특강 : B형간염 예방접종 시행 후, 우리나라 B형간염 관련 질환의 변화와 추이
Published in Clinical and molecular hepatology (24-11-2010)Get full text
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한국형 마음챙김 명상에 기반한 스트레스 감소 프로그램 단축형(6주)이 대학생의 불안과 공격성에 미치는 효과
Published in Seuteureseu yeon-gu (Online) (01-03-2007)“…Mindfulness-Based Reduction-Korea (MBSR-K) program is used in this study. This program is consisted of various meditative techniques and has frequently been…”
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