Search Results - "장재연"
Elderly Mortality and Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Ozone
Published in Journal of Korean medical science (16-12-2019)“…The effects on particulate matter (PM) and ozone on health are being reported by a number of studies. The effects of these air pollutants are likely to be…”
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The effects of temperature on heat-related illness according to the characteristics of patients during the summer of 2012 in the Republic of Korea
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (01-01-2013)“…This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between heat-related illnesses developed in the summer of 2012 and temperature. The study analyzed…”
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General factors of the Korean exposure factors handbook
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (2014)“…Risk assessment considers the situations and characteristics of the exposure environment and host. Various physiological variables of the human body reflects…”
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Overview of the development of the Korean exposure factors handbook
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (2014)“…A set of exposure factors that reflects the characteristics of individual behavior capable of influencing exposure is essential for risk and exposure…”
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Socio-demographic characteristics and leading causes of death among the casualties of meteorological events compared with all-cause deaths in Korea, 2000-2011
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (01-09-2013)“…This study investigated the socio-demographic characteristics and medical causes of death among meteorological disaster casualties and compared them with…”
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Food ingestion factors of the Korean exposure factors handbook
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (01-01-2014)“…The purpose of this study was to establish food ingestion factors needed to assess exposure to contaminants through food ingestion. The study reclassified the…”
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The Long and Short Incubation Periods of Plasmodium vivax Malaria in Korea: The Characteristics and Relating Factors
Published in Infection & chemotherapy (01-06-2013)“…The cases of Plasmodium vivax malaria in Korea are mixed with long and short incubation periods. This study aims to define clinico-epidemiologic chracteristcs…”
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Activity factors of the Korean exposure factors handbook
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (01-01-2014)“…Exposure factors based on the Korean population are required for making appropriate risk assessment. It is expected that handbooks for exposure factors will be…”
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한국 노인의 삶의 질에 관련된 요인: 구강건강을 중심으로
Published in Chiwisaeng gwahakoeji (30-09-2013)“…본 연구는 구강건강을 중심으로 노인의 삶의 질에 관련된 요인을 찾아내어 향후 노인의 삶의 질을 향상시키기 위한 국가 정책 수립 ·평가에 기초자료로 제시하고자 한다. 연구 분석 자료는 2007년 7월부터 2009년 12월에 실시한 국민건강영양조사 4기 원시자료로부터 구강검진을 받은…”
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국내 기후변화 관련 감염병과 기상요인간의 상관성
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (01-09-2010)“…Objectives: Infectious diseases are known to be affected by climate change. We investigated if the infectious diseases were related to meteorological factors…”
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치과위생사의 근무환경과 직업병의 연관성에 대한 조사연구
Published in Han'guk Ch'iwisaeng Hakhoe chi (30-08-2011)“…Objectives : The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of the work environments of dental hygienists to their occupational diseases in a bid to…”
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노인의 치아우식증과 치주질환에 연관된 요인 분석
Published in Han'guk Ch'iwisaeng Hakhoe chi (30-12-2012)“…Objectives : The purpose of this study was to examine the factors related to the dental caries and periodontal diseases of Korean elderly people in terms of…”
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성병림프육아종 1예
Published in Obstetrics & gynecology science (01-09-2011)“…성병림프육아종은 클라미디아 혈청형 L1-3가 원인이 되는 드문 성전파성 질환이다. 29-47세, 도시 거주자, 사회 경제적으로 낮은 지위의인구에서 높으며, 임상적인 감염은 남자에서 여자보다 6배 높게 나타난다. 임상 증상은 세 단계로 나타나는데 일차 병변은 얕은 궤양 또는미란, 이차…”
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Published in Obstetrics & gynecology science (15-09-2011)“…성병림프육아종은 클라미디아 혈청형 L1-3가 원인이 되는 드문 성전파성 질환이다. 29-47세, 도시 거주자, 사회 경제적으로 낮은 지위의 인구에서 높으며, 임상적인 감염은 남자에서 여자보다 6배 높게 나타난다. 임상 증상은 세 단계로 나타나는데 일차 병변은 얕은 궤양 또는 미란,…”
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국내 일부 소각장 근로자와 주변지역주민들의 PCDDs/Fs 노출과 건강 영향 평가
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (01-11-2003)“…KCI Citation Count: 7…”
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일부 자원자를 통한 납, 카드뮴의 다경로 인체 노출평가
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (2006)“…Objectives: We wanted to evaluate the main route of exposure to lead and cadmium for the general population in Korea by using multi-route and multi-media…”
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Fthlene Glycol 음독 후 발새한 급성 신부전증 1예
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (30-03-1996)“…Ethylene glycol is a colorless, odorless, water- soluble chemical solvent with a wide variety of uses. It has no direct toxicities, but its metabolic deri-…”
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한국 정상인과 신부전증환자에 있어 혈액 및 조직내의 금속원소들과 부갑상선 홀몬의 상호관계에 관한 연구
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (01-01-1986)“…In order to assess the alterations in the blood and tissue levels of the various trace elements in the patients with chronic renal failure, plasma and red…”
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