Search Results - "이양희(Yang Hee Lee)"

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    세계시민으로서 아동 by 이양희(Yang Hee Lee), 구미향(Mee Hyang Koo), 정영선(Young Sun Chung)

    Published in Korean Journal of child studies (2009)
    “…This article examines the role of children in the modern era of globalization. The twentieth century sets the tone of viewing children as independent human…”
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    한국판 아동용 다면적 생활만족도 척도(K-MSLSS)의 타당화 연구 by 이정미(Jeong Mi Lee), 이양희(Yang Hee Lee)

    Published in Korean Journal of child studies (2008)
    “…The Korean version of the Multidimensional Students' Life Satisfaction Scale for children(K-MSLSS) assesses children's subjective perceptions of Life…”
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    아동학대와 탄력성의 관계에서 인지기능과 사회적 지지의 매개효과 by 주소용(So Young Ju), 이양희(Yang Hee Lee)

    Published in Korean Journal of child studies (2008)
    “…This study aimed to verify the mediating effects of cognitive function and social support and to establish a structural relationship between child maltreatment…”
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    한 · 미 · 불 전문가의 시각에서 본 영아기 이상적인 모성행동 by 구미향(Mee Hyang Koo), 이양희(Yang Hee Lee)

    Published in Korean Journal of child studies (2002)
    “…This study investigated characteristics and types of ideal maternal behaviors in three different cultures : Korea, the United States, and France. The 18…”
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    유아용 반사회적 행동 평가 척도의 타당화 연구 by 이양희(Yang Hee Lee), 김윤영(Yun Young Kim)

    Published in Korean Journal of child studies (2002)
    “…The subjects of this validation of the Antisocial Behavior Scale(ABS) consisted of 323 normal and 29 clinically referred preschoolers between the ages of four…”
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    장애아동가족의 복원모델 연구 by 오승아(Seung Ah Oh), 이양희(Yang Hee Lee)

    Published in Korean Journal of child studies (2001)
    “…In order to develop a model for better understanding of causal relationships in resiliency factors in families of children with disabilities, 200 families…”
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    사회적 고립 아동의 사회기술훈련 효과에 관한 메타분석 by 유연수(Yeon Soo Yoo), 이양희(Yang Hee Lee)

    Published in Korean Journal of child studies (2001)
    “…Children who have problems in interacting appropriately with others typically have significant social skills deficits. Social skills training has become a…”
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    영아기 애착관련 변인과 모성행동 특성 분석 by 구미향(Mee Hyang Koo), 이양희(Yang Hee Lee)

    Published in Korean Journal of child studies (2000)
    “…Two sub-standies were conducted to analyze attachment related variables in infants and characteristics of maternal behavior. The first study investigated the…”
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    Journal Article