Search Results - "오상근"
Elicitation of Innate Immunity by a Bacterial Volatile 2-Nonanone at Levels below Detection Limit in Tomato Rhizosphere
Published in Molecules and cells (31-07-2022)“…Bacterial volatile compounds (BVCs) exert beneficial effects on plant protection both directly and indirectly. Although BVCs have been detected in vitro, their…”
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Identification and Characterization of New Record of Grape Ripe Rot Disease Caused by Colletotrichum viniferum in Korea
Published in Mycobiology (01-12-2017)“…In 2016, grape fruits showing ripe rot symptom were found in fields of Korea. The fungus was isolated and identified as based on morphological characteristics…”
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Genome-wide SNP calling using next generation sequencing data in tomato
Published in Molecules and cells (2014)“…The tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is a model plant for genome research in Solanaceae, as well as for studying crop breeding. Genome-wide single nucleotide…”
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New Record of Anthracnose Caused by Colletotrichum liriopes on Broadleaf Liriope in Korea
Published in Hangug gynnhaghoi ji (01-03-2017)“…In 2015, the leaves of broadleaf liriope, Liriope muscari, showing anthracnose symptoms were found in a field of Korea. The fungus was isolated and identified…”
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Identification and Characterization of Colletotrichum Species Associated with Bitter Rot Disease of Apple in South Korea
Published in The plant pathology journal (01-12-2018)“…Bitter rot caused by species is a common fruit rotting disease of apple and one of the economically important disease in worldwide. In 2015 and 2016, distinct…”
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Characterization and Pathogenicity of New Record of Anthracnose on Various Chili Varieties Caused by Colletotrichum scovillei in Korea
Published in Mycobiology (01-09-2017)“…The anthracnose disease caused by species is well-known as a major plant pathogen that primarily causes fruit rot in pepper and reduces its marketability…”
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Formation and speciation of haloacetic acids in seawater desalination using chlorine dioxide as disinfectant
Published in Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry (Seoul, Korea) (25-06-2015)“…To evaluate the formation potential of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) in a SWRO system when chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is used as a chemical disinfectant, the…”
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Identification of Host-Resistant and Susceptible Varieties of Korean Grapes to Plasmopara viticola, a Pathogen Causing Grapevine Downy Mildew
Published in Hangug gynnhaghoi ji (01-09-2023)“…Grapevine downy mildew, caused by Plasmopara viticola, significantly damages vineyards and is one of the most devastating diseases affecting cultivated grapes…”
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향기농업: 휘발성 물질을 이용한 식물병 진단과 방제
Published in Sigmulbyeong yeon'gu (2022)“…Volatiles exist ubiquitously in nature. Volatile compounds produced by plants and microorganisms confer inter-kingdom and intra-kingdom communications…”
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Numerical simulation of hydrogen desorption from high-density metal hydride hydrogen storage vessels
Published in Metals and materials international (01-07-2017)“…Metal hydride (MH) alloys are a promising type of material in hydrogen storage applications, allowing for low-pressure, high-density storage. However, while…”
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Rpi-blb2-Mediated Hypersensitive Cell Death Caused by Phytophthora infestans AVRblb2 Requires SGT1, but not EDS1, NDR1, Salicylic Acid-, Jasmonic Acid-, or Ethylene-Mediated Signaling
Published in The plant pathology journal (01-09-2014)“…Potato Rpi-blb2 encodes a protein with a coiled-coil-nucleotide binding site and leucine-rich repeat (CC-NBS-LRR) motif that recognizes the Phytophthora…”
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경도가 높은 촉성재배용 딸기 ‘하이베리’ 품종 육성
Published in Weon'ye gwahag gi'sulji (01-12-2021)“…‘하이베리’ 품종은 충남농업기술원 딸기연구소에서 2018년도에 육성한 촉성재배용 신품종이다. 경도가 높아 과실 수출에용이하고, 봄철 고온기에도 품질이 유지되는 품종을 육성하기 위해 경도가 높은 ‘NS071608’ 계통을 모본으로 하고 맛과 향이좋은 ‘대왕’을 부본으로 하여 2013년에…”
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CC-NBS-LRR, a set of VvCRP markers, can distinguish cultivars with ripe rot resistance to Colletotrichum pathogens in grapevine
Published in Horticulture, environment and biotechnology (01-10-2020)“…Grape ripe rot is a fungal disease, which is almost inextinguishable particularly before and after harvest in most vineyards. The management of this disease…”
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딸기 수경재배에서 베드 피복유무에 따른 시들음병과 점박이응애 발생양상
Published in Sigmulbyeong yeon'gu (01-12-2018)“…Hydroponic strawberry culture system is increasing annually. Most of strawberry farmers use mulched bed in hydroponic culture and strawberry plants were…”
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이산화염소수를 활용한 오이 노균병 친환경방제
Published in Sigmulbyeong yeon'gu (2021)“…Pseudoperonospora cubensis (downy mildew) is highly virulent to various Cucurbitaceae crops, including cucumber (Cucumis sativus). We tested chlorine dioxide…”
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A method of high frequency virus-induced gene silencing in chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Bukang)
Published in Molecules and cells (30-04-2004)“…Using a tobacco rattle virus (TRV)-based virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) system, expression of phytogene desaturase (PDS) and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate…”
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딸기 수경재배에서 베드 피복유무에 따른 시들음병과 점박이응애 발생 양상
Published in Sigmulbyeong yeon'gu (2018)“…Hydroponic strawberry culture system is increasing annually. Most of strawberry farmers use mulched bed in hydroponic culture and strawberry plants were…”
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국내 배나무 꽃에서 분리한 Aureobasidium pullulans MHAU2101의 화상병 발생 억제 효과
Published in Hangug gynnhaghoi ji (31-12-2022)“…This study was conducted to identify yeast species isolated from domestic pear blossom through gene sequencing and analysis of morphological characteristics,…”
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Positive-selection and ligation-independent cloning vectors for large scale in planta expression for plant functional genomics
Published in Molecules and cells (01-12-2010)“…Transient expression is an easy, rapid and powerful technique for producing proteins of interest in plants. Recombinational cloning is highly efficient but has…”
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