Search Results - "신해림"
Cancer statistics in Korea: incidence, mortality and survival in 2006-2007
Published in Journal of Korean medical science (01-08-2010)“…Cancer has been the leading cause of death in Korea. Korea is facing a very rapid change and increase in cancer incidence, which draws much attention in public…”
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A prospective cohort study on the relationship of sleep duration with all-cause and disease-specific mortality in the Korean Multi-center Cancer Cohort study
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (01-09-2013)“…Emerging evidence indicates that sleep duration is associated with health outcomes. However, the relationship of sleep duration with long-term health is…”
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청소년의 신체상이 우울에 미치는 영향: 부적응적 자기초점주의와 거부민감성의 이중매개효과
Published in Korean Journal of child studies (01-08-2020)“…Objectives: The purpose of this study is to examine the dual mediating effects of maladaptive self-focused attention and rejection sensitivity on the…”
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Descriptive epidemiology of cholangiocarcinoma and clonorchiasis in Korea
Published in Journal of Korean medical science (01-07-2010)“…In 2009, infection with the liver fluke Clonorchis sinensis (C. sinensis) was classified as "carcinogenic to humans" (Group 1) based on its involvement in the…”
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Public awareness of gastric cancer risk factors and disease screening in a high risk region: a population-based study
Published in Cancer research and treatment (01-06-2009)“…This study involved a population-based survey to provide evidence of public awareness of risk factors of gastric cancer and to investigate attitudes for the…”
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Prevalence and seroprevalence of low-risk human papillomavirus in Korean women
Published in Journal of Korean medical science (01-08-2012)“…Little is known about the prevalence and seroprevalence of low-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) and the risk factors for HPV infection in Korean women. We…”
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Interaction of body mass index and diabetes as modifiers of cardiovascular mortality in a cohort study
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (01-11-2012)“…Diabetes and obesity each increases mortality, but recent papers have shown that lean Asian persons were at greater risk for mortality than were obese persons…”
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Alcohol consumption and mortality in the Korean Multi-Center Cancer Cohort Study
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (01-09-2012)“…To examine the association between alcohol consumption habit, types of beverages, alcohol consumption quantity, and overall and cancer-specific mortality among…”
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암등록과 암관리사업의 최신 국제 경향 및 우리나라 암발생 통계
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (01-03-2008)“…The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that cancer killed 7.6 million people in the world in 2005, and that 40% of all cancer deaths can be prevented…”
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암등록과 암관리사업의 최신 국제 경향 및 우리나라 암발생통계[Author's correction]
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (2008)Get full text
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한국인의 흡연과 사망 위험에 관한 코호트 연구
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (01-03-2010)“…Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between cigarette smoking and total mortality, cancer mortality and other disease mortalities…”
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국가 암조기검진 사업 참여에 영향을 미치는 인구사회학적 요인
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (01-02-2005)“…KCI Citation Count: 18…”
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단계적 행위변화 모형을 이용한 자궁경부암 검진행위 관련요인 분석 -국가 조기 암검진 대상자들을 중심으로
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (01-02-2005)“…KCI Citation Count: 13…”
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국가 암 발생 데이터베이스에 등록된 암환자의 연령군별 생존율: 기간 분석 방식에 의한 1997년과 2002년도 생존율 비교
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (2008)“…Objectives : Period analysis estimates up-to-date survival rates of cancer patients. In this approach, analysis is restricted to recent time period by…”
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경상남도 일부 농촌지역의 간흡충 감염에 관한 역학적 연구
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (01-11-2005)“…Objectives : To investigate the prevalence of Clonorchis sinensis infestation and to determine the associated risk factors among a population in a part of the…”
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흡연, 음주, 폐결핵과 폐암 발생 위험에 관한 코호트 연구
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (01-07-2007)“…Objectives : The aim of this study was to evaluate the roles of cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, tuberculosis, and their interactions in the risk of…”
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간세포암종 환자의 5년 생존율 -단일기관의 904명 코호트 연구
Published in Clinical and molecular hepatology (25-12-2007)“…목적: 간세포암종은 국내 암 발생 등록분율 3위를 차지하고 예후 또한 매우 불량한 암종으로, 현재까지 국내 간세포암종 코호트를 대상으로 한 5년 생존율 보고는 없는 실정이다. 이에 연구자들은 국내 단일 기관에서 진단 및 치료된 간세포암종 코호트에서 병기, 간기능 및 치료법에 따른 5년…”
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공복 혈당과 간암 발생 위험에 관한 코호트 연구
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (2007)“…Objectives : Chronic infections with hepatitis B or C and alcoholic cirrhosis are three well-known major risk factors for liver cancer. Diabetes has also been…”
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교육수준별 2004년 암 사망자의 사망 전 1년간 의료이용의 차이와 정책적 함의
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (2007)“…Objectives : There have been few studies examining the differences in health care utilization across social classes during the last year of life. Therefore, in…”
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국가 암조기검진사업 참여에 영향을 미치는 인구사회학적 요인
Published in Journal of preventive medicine and public health (2005)“…Background : Cancer is the leading cause of death and one of the largest burdens of disease in Korea. In 1996, the Ten year Plan for Cancer Control was…”
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