Search Results - "長田祐二"

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  1. 1

    Long-term efficacy of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt for the treatment of refractory ascites by Narahara, Yoshiyuki, Kanazawa, Hidenori, Osada, Yuji, Yoshimoto, Hitoshi, Sakamoto, Choitsu, Kobayashi, Masafumi

    Published in Nippon Shōkakibyō Gakkai zasshi (01-05-2002)
    “…Eighteen patients with refractory ascites (Child-Pugh score 9.9) defined by our criteria were treated with transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt…”
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  2. 2

    P-124)肺血栓塞栓症に対する血栓吸引療法が有用であった上肢静脈血栓症の1例 by 福嶋善光, 市川和雄, 田島廣之, 川俣博志, 後藤慎介, 高橋修司, 岡島雄史, 隈崎達夫, 長田祐二, 若林一二, 高山守正, 高野照夫

    Published in Journal of Nippon Medical School (1998)
    “…症例は79歳男性. イレウスにて入院. 内科的治療にてイレウスは軽快したが, 中心静脈栄養カテーテル挿入に伴う上肢の血栓性静脈炎を発症した. ウロキナーゼ, ヘパリン, ワーファリン投与にて浮腫, 疼痛といった症状は軽快したが, 発症16日目に急激な呼吸困難と低酸素血症が出現し,…”
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  3. 3

    Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt for the treatment of refractory ascites by Kanazawa, H, Osada, Y, Yoshimoto, H, Narahara, Y, Mamiya, Y, Saitoh, H, Matusaka, S, Tada, N, Kobayashi, M, Kawamata, H, Kumazaki, T

    Published in Nippon Shōkakibyō Gakkai zasshi (01-03-1998)
    “…Five cirrhotic patients with refractory ascites were treated with transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS). Before TIPS, although patients were…”
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  4. 4