Search Results - "程湘"
Published in 地质与勘探 (2018)“…P618.51;…”
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Published in 地质与勘探 (2018)“…P618.41%P597+.2;…”
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랑창성신염환자 (狼瘡性腎炎患者) Piroxican ( Feldene ) 유발성 (誘發性 ) 급성신부전 (急性腎不全)
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (01-01-1985)“…Various nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs are known to cause adverse effects on kidney with broad clinical spectrum of syndromes such as acute renal failure,…”
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사교상에 (蛇咬傷) 의한 신병변에 (腎病變) 관한 임상적 (臨床的) 연구 (硏究)
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (01-01-1984)“…In Korea, three kinds of vipers cauae venomous venomous snake-bite accidents mostlp in Summcr. They are A, blomboffi blomhoffi, A. caliginoaus and A…”
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혈액투석에 (血液透析) 따르는 혈중기체분압 (血中氣體分壓) 및 백혈구의 (白血球) 변화에 (變化) 관한 연구 (硏究) (Ⅰ)
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (01-01-1982)“…Recently a syndrome of acute hypoxemia with various cardiopulmonary symptoms has been shown to occur in hemodialysis patients during the first 30 60 minutes of…”
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IgA 신병증에서의 (腎病症) 신증후군 (腎症侯群)
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (01-01-1985)“…146 patients proven as having the mesangiaI IgA nephropathy by Immunofluorescent findings, had been admitted to Seoul National university Hospital for Kidney…”
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Henoch - Schonlein 신염( 腎炎 ) 의 사구체기저막 (絲毬體基底膜) 변화 (變化)에 대 (對) 한 전자현미경적관찰 (電子顯微鏡的觀擦)
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (01-01-1985)“…Forty six renal biopsy specimens from Henoch- Schonlein nephritis (HSN) were subject to the light microscopic, immunofluorescent and electron microscopic…”
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성인의 (成人) 소병변성신증후군 (小病性腎症候群)
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (01-01-1986)“…It is well known that there are some differences in clinical and laboratory findings between minor change nephrotic syndrome in adults and children. But little…”
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신증후군 (腎症候群) 에 병발 (倂發) 된 혈전증 (血栓症)에 관한 (硏究)
Published in Kidney research and clinical practice (01-01-1983)“…Radiologic studies were performed in 20 nephrotics suspected to have thrombosis in renal veins or other sites. The clinical, laboratory and pathologic findings…”
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경마 중독 예방 메시지의 공포소구 유형, 정보원 유사성에 따른 경마 참여자 유형별 예상된 후회, 경마 중단 의도의 차이 분석
Published in Ch'eyuk kwahak yŏn'gu (30-06-2024)“…[목적] 본 연구는 문제성 도박자의 경마 중독을 예방하기 위해 휴리스틱 체계적 모델과 해석 수준 이론을 토대로 설득 메시지를 설계, 도박 공포소구 주제와 정보원 유사성에 따른 도박자 유형별 예상된 후회, 경마 중단 의도의 차이를 규명하는 것을 목적으로 한다. [방법] 최근 6개월간…”
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취학 전 표현언어부진 아동과 일반 아동이 사용하는 제스처와 발화의 관계 특성 비교
Published in Korean Journal of child studies (01-08-2020)“…Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between gesture and speech in the preschool children with expressive language…”
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경북지역 공공하수처리시설 유입수 및 방류수의 유기물 특성
Published in Daehan hwan'gyeong gonghag hoeji (01-05-2021)“…목적: 본 연구는 경북지역 내 대표적인 공공하수처리시설의 유입수 및 유출수 내 유기물 특성을 분석하고 이를 통해 처리시설의 효율적인 운영을 도모하고자 수행하였다. 방법: 경북지역의 공공하수처리시설 중 시설규모 30,000 m3/day 이상인 6곳을 선정하여 2013~2020년 동안의…”
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무릎 팔굽혀펴기와 표준 팔굽혀펴기 시 손 모양에 따른 어깨 근육의 근활성도 비교
Published in Han'guk Chŏnmun Mulli Ch'iryo Hakhoe chi = Journal of the Korean Academy of University Trained Physical Therapists (30-05-2022)“…Background: Push-up are effective exercises for shoulder stability. Previous studies have documented the effects of support plane and hand position and width…”
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미숙아 식이 관련 현황과 가정지원 커뮤니티 케어 요구도
Published in Korean journal of community nutrition (2022)“…Objectives: This study compared the nutritional intakes of early and late preterm infants in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and at home. The dietary…”
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비후성 또는 켈로이드 창상 흉터는 식도암 수술 후 식도-위 문합 부위의 협착에 대한 위험인자인가?
Published in The Korean journal of gastroenterology (31-10-2021)“…Background/Aims: Anastomotic stricture at the esophagus and the conduit anastomosis site after the surgical resection of esophageal cancer is relatively…”
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주조 스테인리스강의 해양환경 하에서 플라즈마 이온질화 공정온도에 따른 부식특성 연구
Published in Biuletyn Uniejowski (2017)Get full text
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