Search Results - "田頭, 栄治郎"

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  1. 1

    ブタプラセンタエキスの前立腺癌細胞増殖抑制と前立腺肥大抑制効果 by 手計, 雅彦, 明壁, 史弥, 田頭, 栄治郎, 熊谷, 道彦

    Published in 日本補完代替医療学会誌 (2008)
    “…目的:ブタプラセンタエキスの抗アンドロゲン作用について検討をおこなった. 方法:アンドロゲンレセプターを持つヒト前立腺癌細胞株 LNCaP.FGC を用いてブタプラセンタエキスの細胞増殖に及ぼす影響を検討した.また去勢ラットを用いて外因性のアンドロゲンの検討を行った. 結果:ヒト前立腺癌細胞株 LNCaP.FGC…”
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    Studies on anti-ulcer effects of a new compound, zinc L-carnosine (Z-103) by Seiki, M, Ueki, S, Tanaka, Y, Soeda, M, Hori, Y, Aita, H, Yoneta, T, Morita, H, Tagashira, E, Okabe, S

    Published in Nihon yakurigaku zasshi (1990)
    “…We investigated the anti-ulcer effects of zinc L-carnosine (Z-103) using several acute experimental models of gastric and duodenal lesions in rats. Effects of…”
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    The gastric mucosal adhesiveness of Z-103 in rats with chronic ulcer by Seiki, M, Aita, H, Mera, Y, Arai, K, Toyama, S, Furuta, S, Morita, H, Hori, Y, Yoneta, T, Tagashira, E

    Published in Nihon yakurigaku zasshi (01-04-1992)
    “…The gastric mucosal adhesiveness of Z-103 in rats with acetic acid ulcer was studied macroscopically, histologically, and biochemically. From macroscopical…”
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    Effects of CN-100 on the functions of rat polymorphonuclear leukocytes by Yoneta, T, Kato, H, Yoshida, A, Ozeki, M, Tagashira, E

    Published in Nihon yakurigaku zasshi (01-01-1991)
    “…We studied the effects of CN-100 on the functions of rat polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) in vitro. CN-100 showed the inhibitory effects of superoxide…”
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    Basal studies on the model of circular excisional wounds made on the dorsal skin of rats treated with hydrocortisone by Yoshida, A, Araki, T, Omata, T, Yamaguchi, I, Matsuda, K, Kurimoto, T, Tagashira, E

    Published in Nihon yakurigaku zasshi (1991)
    “…This study was performed to establish a circular excisional wound model treated with hydrocortisone (HC-P) and to estimate the following parameters in this…”
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    Nizatidineの生体内動態(第3報) イヌにおける単回投与後の吸収,排泄,代謝 by 佐野廣, 佐藤博志, 外山誠司, 田頭栄治郎, 江角凱夫, 片見好春, 東条英晃, 谷津幸子, 横島徹熹

    Published in 薬物動態 (1989)
    “…Nizatidine, N-〔2-〔〔〔2-〔(dimethylamino)methyl〕-4-thiazolyl〕methyl〕thio〕ethyl〕-N'-methyl-2-nitro-1, 1-ethenediamineは, 選択的かつ競合的なヒスタミンH2-受容体拮抗作用を有する抗潰瘍薬であり1, 2),…”
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    Nizatidineの生体内動態(第1報) ラットにおける単回投与後の吸収,分布,代謝,排泄 by 佐野廣, 佐藤博志, 外山誠司, 田頭栄治郎, 江角凱夫, 片見好春, 東条英晃, 谷津幸子, 横島徹熹

    Published in 薬物動態 (1989)
    “…Nizatidine, N-〔2-〔〔〔2-〔(dimethylamino)methyl〕-4-thiazolyl〕methyl〕thio〕ethyl〕-N'-methyl-2-nitro-1, 1-ethenediamineは, 選択的かつ競合的なヒスタミンH2-受容体拮抗作用を有する抗潰瘍薬であり,…”
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    Nizatidineの生体内動態(第2報)ラットにおける胎仔,乳汁移行性および反復投与実験 by 佐野廣, 佐藤博志, 外山誠司, 田頭栄治郎, 江角凱夫, 片見好春, 東条英晃, 谷津幸子, 横島徹熹

    Published in 薬物動態 (1989)
    “…Nizatidine, N-〔2-〔〔〔2-〔(dimethylamino)methyl〕-4-thiazolyl〕methyl〕thio〕ethyl〕-N'-methyl-2-nitro-1, 1-ethenediamineは, 選択的かつ競合的なヒスタミンH2-受容体拮抗作用を有する抗潰瘍薬である1,2)…”
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    Effect of β-Alanyl-L-Histidinato Zinc on Bone Metabolism in Rats with Adjuvant Arthritis by SEGAWA, Yoshihide, TSUZUIKE, Naoki, ITOKAZU, Yoshihiko, TAGASHIRA, Eijiro, YAMAGUCHI, Masayoshi

    Published in Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin (01-07-1993)
    “…The effect of a new zinc compound, β-ananyl-L-histidinato zinc (AHZ), on osteopenia was investigated in rats with adjuvant arthritis. Arthritis was induced in…”
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    Preventive Effect of β-Alanyl-L-histidinato Zinc on the Deterioration of Bone Metabolism in Ovariectomized Rats by SEGAWA, Yoshihide, TSUZUIKE, Naoki, TAGASHIRA, Eijiro, YAMAGUCHI, Masayoshi

    “…The preventive effect of β-alanyl-L-histidinato zinc (AHZ) on the deterioration of bone metabolism was investigated in the femoral diaphysis of ovariectomized…”
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    Effect of Z-103 on wound healing by dermal incision in guinea pigs by Seiki, M, Aita, H, Ueki, S, Yoneta, T, Takemasa, T, Hori, Y, Morita, H, Chaki, K, Tagashira, E

    Published in Nihon yakurigaku zasshi (01-08-1992)
    “…We investigated the effects of Z-103, ZnSO4, L-carnosine and solcoseryl on wound healing by dermal incision in guinea pigs. The tensile strength,…”
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    Studies on the healing promoting action of Z-103 in chronic gastric ulcer models of rats by Aita, H, Yoneta, T, Seto, K, Morita, H, Hori, Y, Takemasa, T, Chaki, K, Yamada, H, Seiki, M, Tagashira, E

    Published in Nihon yakurigaku zasshi (1992)
    “…We studied the healing promoting action of Z-103 on the chronic gastric ulcer induced by acetic acid (AAU) or Fe-ascorbic acid (FAU) in rats. The area of the…”
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    Interaction of CN-100, a novel non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, on biopolymers by Kato, H, Yoneta, T, Yoshida, A, Ozeki, M, Tagashira, E

    Published in Nihon yakurigaku zasshi (1990)
    “…Interaction of CN-100, a novel non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, with biopolymers were investigated. In collagen induced rat platelet aggregation, the…”
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