Search Results - "池田, 健"

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    2. 直腸癌に肝エキノコッカス症を合併した一例 by 野村一顕, 梶智人, 鎌田紀美男, 池田健

    Published in 核医学 (2010)
    “…症例は67歳男性. 主訴は下血. 1ヶ月以上続く下血を主訴に当院消化器内科紹介受診. 下部消化管内視鏡検査にて直腸癌(2型)の診断となり, 全身検索のCTでは肝S4-5, S3に腫瘤性病変を認めた. MR, PET/CTでも非典型的ながら肝転移と考えられたが, 術後の病理検討で肝包虫症と診断された…”
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    A fungal Argonaute interferes with RNA interference by Nguyen, Quyet, Iritani, Akihide, Ohkita, Shuhei, Vu, Ba V, Yokoya, Kana, Matsubara, Ai, Ikeda, Ken-ichi, Suzuki, Nobuhiro, Nakayashiki, Hitoshi

    Published in Nucleic acids research (16-03-2018)
    “…Abstract Small RNA (sRNA)-mediated gene silencing phenomena, exemplified by RNA interference (RNAi), require a unique class of proteins called Argonautes…”
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    MoSET1 (Histone H3K4 Methyltransferase in Magnaporthe oryzae) Regulates Global Gene Expression during Infection-Related Morphogenesis by Pham, Kieu Thi Minh, Inoue, Yoshihiro, Vu, Ba Van, Nguyen, Hanh Hieu, Nakayashiki, Toru, Ikeda, Ken-Ichi, Nakayashiki, Hitoshi

    Published in PLoS genetics (01-07-2015)
    “…Here we report the genetic analyses of histone lysine methyltransferase (KMT) genes in the phytopathogenic fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Eight putative M. oryzae…”
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    18. FDG-PETによる食道癌放射線治療効果の評価の試み by 中村隆二, 小原東也, 及川浩, 玉川芳春, 肥田圭介, 池田健一郎, 佐藤信博, 石田薫

    Published in 核医学 (2002)
    “…進行食道癌新鮮例5例と放射線治療後(2週間以内)の10例で18F-FDGを111-370MBq(3-10mCi)静注後60分にPETを施行し, 食道病巣の集積を検討した. 新鮮例ではいずれも高い集積を認めた. 治療後例では新鮮例と比べて集積は低く, 腫瘍の縮小率が高いほどFDG集積は低下する傾向がみられた…”
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    Novel insights into host specificity of Pyricularia oryzae and Pyricularia grisea in the infection of gramineous plant roots by Xiang, Zikai, Okada, Daiki, Asuke, Soichiro, Nakayashiki, Hitoshi, Ikeda, Kenichi

    Published in Molecular plant pathology (01-11-2022)
    “…Pyricularia oryzae and Pyricularia grisea are pathogens that cause blast disease in various monocots. It has been reported that P. oryzae infects the leaves…”
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    Specific detection of Pyricularia oryzae pathotype Triticum using qPCR and LAMP methods by Ikeda, Ken-ichi, Uchihashi, Kaichi, Okuda, Itsuki, Xiang, Zikai, Nakayashiki, Hitoshi

    Published in Journal of general plant pathology : JGPP (01-03-2024)
    “…Wheat blast is an important disease that affects cross-border food security. The causal pathogen, Pyricularia oryzae (syn. Magnaporthe oryzae ) Triticum…”
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    Cytological analysis of the effect of reactive oxygen species on sclerotia formation in Sclerotinia minor by Osato, Tomoyuki, Park, Pyoyun, Ikeda, Kenichi

    Published in Fungal biology (01-02-2017)
    “…The Sclerotium is one of the most persistent organs in filamentous fungi. Control of sclerotial formation is promising in the prevention of sclerotial disease…”
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    MoSET1-dependent transcription factors regulate different stages of infection-related morphogenesis in Pyricularia oryzae by Minh, Dang Ngoc, Tsukahara, Yusaku, Thach, Dang An, Ikeda, Ken-ich, Nakayashiki, Hitoshi

    Published in Journal of general plant pathology : JGPP (01-03-2023)
    “…MoSET1, an H3K4 histone methyltransferase in Pyricularia oryzae plays a key role in infection-related morphogenesis of the fungus. We previously identified…”
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    Cell biology in phytopathogenic fungi during host infection: commonalities and differences by Ikeda, Kenichi, Park, Pyoyun, Nakayashiki, Hitoshi

    Published in Journal of general plant pathology : JGPP (01-05-2019)
    “…During infection of the host plant, various biological processes facilitate host invasion, including the physical invasion of the host, and subsequent…”
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    The efficacy and prognosis of transcatheter chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma in the elderly by Hoshida, Y, Ikeda, K, Saito, S, Kobayashi, M, Suzuki, Y, Tsubota, A, Koida, I, Arase, Y, Murashima, N, Chayama, K, Kumada, H

    Published in Nippon Shōkakibyō Gakkai zasshi (01-02-1999)
    “…Four hundred and twenty-one patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who firstly underwent transcatheter arterial chemoembolization were divided into three…”
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    モザイク動物の肝発癌研究への応用 by 小川勝洋, 辻哲, 横田欽一, 池田健, 森道夫

    Published in Journal of Toxicologic Pathology (1988)
    “…「序文」最近, 発癌過程の研究に, 先天的または人工的に作られた遺伝異常動物を利用する試みが行われている. これらの中には, トランスジェニックマウスや, 先天代謝異常動物などが含まれるが, 我々は最近, モザイク動物を肝発癌実験に用いる研究を進めている. モザイク動物とは, 個体を構成する細胞が,…”
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