Search Results - "後藤武"

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    急性腎不全を呈した原発性マクログロブリン血症の1例 by 木田, 有利, 森口, 林太郎, 日野, 泰久, 坂井, 誠, 井垣, 直哉, 玉田, 文彦, 老籾, 宗忠, 後藤,

    Published in 日本内科学会雑誌 (10-12-2003)
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    頸部痛,貧血で発症した全身播種型Mycobacterium avium症の1例 by 國枝, 泰史, 後藤, , 中村, 泰三, 芦原, 英司, 原島, 裕, 竹上, 徹, 永利, 満雄, 横村, 一郎, 橋本, 進一, 岩崎, 吉伸, 中川, 雅夫

    Published in 日本内科学会雑誌 (10-01-1998)
    “…症例は54歳男性.頸部痛と貧血で当科に入院した.頸部MRIで第2頸椎の破壊像を認め,診断の得られないまま呼吸不全,黄疸をきたし重症化した. 4カ月伴後に初めて,喀痰の抗酸菌塗抹陽性,骨髄液培養で非定型抗酸菌コロニー陽性,肝生検,骨生検組織の抗酸菌染色でも陽性と判明し,全身播種型Mycobacterium…”
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    A case of hepatitis C virus-associated glomerulonephropathy presenting with MPO-ANCA-positive rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis by IGAKI, Naoya, NAKAJI, Miyuki, MORIGUCHI, Rintarou, AKIYAMA, Hiroyuki, TAMADA, Fumihiko, GOTO, Takeo

    Published in Nihon Jinzo Gakkai shi (01-05-2000)
    “…We report a case of hepatitis C virus-associated glomerulonephropathy presenting with MPO-ANCA-positive, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN). A…”
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    A case of hepatitis B virus carrier complicated with nephrotic syndrome by NAKAJI, Miyuki, IGAKI, Naoya, MORIGUCHI, Rintarou, AKIYAMA, Hiroyuki, TAMADA, Fumihiko, GOTO, Takeo

    Published in Nihon Jinzo Gakkai shi (01-07-2000)
    “…We report a patient, a 23-year-old man, who was a hepatitis B virus (HBV) carrier complicated with nephrotic syndrome. He was admitted to our hospital because…”
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    Hydrodynamic evaluation of a new dispersive aortic cannula (Stealthflow) by Goto, Takeshi, Inamura, Takao, Shirota, Minori, Fukuda, Wakako, Fukuda, Ikuo, Daitoku, Kazuyuki, Minakawa, Masahito, Ito, Kazuo

    Published in Journal of artificial organs (01-06-2016)
    “…The aim of this study was to evaluate flow from a new dispersive aortic cannula (Stealthflow) in the aortic arch using flow visualization methods. Particle…”
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    Tuberculous mediastinal lymphadenitis presenting as hoarseness by Kawasaki, T, Gotoh, T, Nakamura, T, Hashimoto, S, Arimoto, T, Iwasaki, Y, Ono, M, Toda, S, Dobashi, Y, Nakagawa, M

    Published in Nihon Kyōbu Shikkan Gakkai zasshi (01-11-1996)
    “…A 70 year-old woman was admitted to our hospital complaining of hoarseness. Bronchoscopic examination revealed that the left vocal cord was fixed in the…”
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    Small cell lung cancer presenting as a metastatic conjunctival tumor by Gotoh, T, Tsujimoto, S, Hashimoto, S, Arimoto, T, Iwasaki, Y, Hiramori, N, Fukabori, T, Tanaka, Y, Nakamura, T, Nakagawa, M

    Published in Nihon Kyōbu Shikkan Gakkai zasshi (01-11-1994)
    “…A 65-year-old man complaining of a left medial ocular angle mass and hemoptysis was admitted to our hospital. Chest radiography revealed a right hilar mass and…”
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    Detection of intratumoral DNA heterogeneity in primary lung cancer using a multiple sampling method by Mizobuchi, K, Fujita, Y, Hashikura, H, Arimoto, T, Nakagaki, Y, Goto, T, Fujii, T, Iwasaki, Y, Nakamura, T, Nakagawa, M

    Published in Nihon Kyōbu Shikkan Gakkai zasshi (01-10-1994)
    “…The nuclear DNA contents of 18 freshly resected specimens of primary lung cancer tissue were determined by flow cytometry with a multiple sampling method. A…”
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