Search Results - "後藤正道"

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    Guideline for the treatment of leprosy by new quinolones by Gidoh, Masaichi, Namisato, Masako, Kumano, Kimiko, Goto, Masamichi, Nogami, Reiko, Ozaki, Motoaki

    Published in Nihon Hansenbyō Gakkai zasshi (2004)
    “…Ofloxacin(OFLX) is often applied today as a substitution drug of MDT for drug resistance to dapsone, rifampicin or clofazimine. However, OFLX resistance is…”
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    Guideline for the treatment of Hansen's disease in Japan by Goto, M, Ishida, Y, Gidoh, M, Nagao, E, Namisato, M, Ishii, N, Ozaki, M

    Published in Nihon Hansenbyō Gakkai zasshi (2000)
    “…Ad hoc committee of Japanese Leprosy Association recommends standard treatment protocol of leprosy in Japan, which is a modification of World Health…”
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    17)著明な多尿と電解質異常を認めた腎血管性高血圧の1例 by 大池澄孝, 哲翁弥生, 宮武佳子, 上田洋一, 後藤正道, 田中邦夫, 鈴木健, 大津文雄, 長澤紘一

    Published in Journal of Nippon Medical School (1995)
    “…症例:49歳, 男性. 主訴:全身倦怠感. 既往歴:特記なし. 家族歴:両親, 高血圧, 脳卒中. 現病歴:平成6年10月20日より全身倦怠感出現. 安静にて経過観察するも改善せず. 10月28日当科受診. 血液検査にてNall5mEq/l, K2. 3mEq/l, Cl66mEq/lを認め, 11月2日入院…”
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    11)老齢者高血圧症における血圧概日リズムの検討-時系列解析法による検討 by 松田裕之, 鈴木健, 国見聡宏, 八島正明, 山中博之, 栗原広孝, 上田洋一, 後藤正道, 真鍋辰哉, 田中邦夫, 大津文雄, 長澤紘一

    Published in Journal of Nippon Medical School (1995)
    “…目的:老齢者高血圧症における収縮期血圧の特徴は変動幅の増大であるが, 概日リズムについては検討は少ない. よって, かかるリズムを明らかにするため24時間血圧計より得られた収縮期血圧を時系列解析法を用い検討した. 対象と方法:未治療高血圧症者48例(男21例, 女27例)を対象に24時間血圧計を施行,…”
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    側脳室に発生したsubependymomaの1例 by 湯浅洋, 大山満, 時任純孝, 後藤正道

    Published in Neurologia medico-chirurgica (1983)
    “…症例は40歳男性で, 両側前頭部の鈍痛を訴えて受診した. 神経学的検査では両眼にうっ血乳頭を認めるのみであった. CTでは左側に著明な脳室拡大と, 左側脳室前角に位置し一部透明中隔に接した脳と等しいdensityを有する腫瘍を認めた. 腫瘍はcystを有し,…”
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    Rathkes pouch cystの1例 by 本木下崇, 時任純孝, 泉和夫, 湯浅洋, 後藤正道

    Published in Neurologia medico-chirurgica (1983)
    “…症例は, 押さえつけられるような頭痛が心配で来院した32歳男性. CT所見でsuprasellarに造影剤使用にて増強効果のない中心部に高吸収域をもつ円形の腫瘍像を認めた. 右CAGにてsiphonの開大, トルコ鞍断層撮影にて鞍背の変化もみられた. 内分泌学的検索ではACTHのみ低値であった…”
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    鞍上進展を呈したトルコ鞍内クモ膜嚢腫の1例 by 湯浅洋, 本木下崇, 大山満, 後藤正道, 時任純孝

    Published in Neurologia medico-chirurgica (1982)
    “…症例は54才女性で, vertical oscillopsiaとtinnitusを訴え, 神経学的検査で両側視神経萎縮, 両耳側半盲および両側vertical pendular nystagmusを認めた. レ線学的検査でトルコ鞍のballooning, トルコ鞍内・上, および左前頭葉内の低吸収域を認めた…”
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    Melanose neurocutaneeに併発した脳原発黒色腫 by 本木下崇, 河井宏一, 大山満, 時任純孝, 深水紘, 児浦純生, 後藤正道

    Published in Neurologia medico-chirurgica (1982)
    “…Touraineは, 皮膚と神経系の色素細胞が同時に原発性に増加する疾患をmelanose neuro-cutaneeと呼んだ. これに併発する脳原発黒色腫の報告はきわめて少ない. 我々は, 頭蓋内圧亢進症状と痙攣発作を主訴として小児科より転科した5才の女児に, 全身に及ぶ黙皮様母斑と, 頭蓋内悪性黒色腫を認めた…”
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    Pathological diagnosis of leprosy in developing countries by Goto, Masamichi, Aung, Thida, Kitajima, Shinichi

    Published in Nihon Hansenbyō Gakkai zasshi (2005)
    “…In the developing countries where leprosy is prevalent, diagnosis of leprosy is made from clinical signs and symptoms. However, when difficult and doubtful…”
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    Mycobacterium shinshuense and Mycobacterium leprae infections: usefulness of genetical examinations by Nakanaga, Kazue, Suzuki, Koichi, Tanigawa, Kazunari, Iwamoto, Tomotada, Goto, Masamichi, Saito, Hajime, Ishii, Norihisa

    Published in Nihon Hansenbyō Gakkai zasshi (01-09-2007)
    “…Although Mycobacterium shinshuense and M. leprae infections are relatively rare in the fields of dermatology, an early diagnosis is one of the important…”
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    Comparison of inhibitory effect of rifalazil and rifampicin against Mycobacterium ulcerans infection induced in mice by Nakanaga, Kazue, Saito, Hajime, Ishii, Norihisa, Goto, Masamichi

    Published in Kekkaku (01-05-2004)
    “…Buruli ulcer is a human skin disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans infection, which is characterized by massive skin ulceration and persistent necrotic…”
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    Guideline for the treatment of Hansen's disease in Japan (Second edition) by Goto, Masamichi, Nogami, Reiko, Hatano, Kentaro, Okano, Yoshiko, Ishii, Norihisa, Gidoh, Masaichi, Ishida, Yutaka, Ozaki, Motoaki

    Published in Nihon Hansenbyō Gakkai zasshi (2006)
    “…ad hoc committee of Japanese Leprosy Association recommends revised standard treatment protocol of leprosy in Japan, which is a modification of World Health…”
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    Chemotherapy of leprosy: theoretical basis of new guideline in Japan by Goto, M

    Published in Nihon Hansenbyō Gakkai zasshi (2001)
    “…For the effective treatment of leprosy, we should consider that (1) more time is needed for the elimination of bacilli than ordinary bacterial infection, (2)…”
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    Clinical cure of leprosy--a criteria in Japan(2002) by Namisato, Masako, Goto, Masamichi, Gidoh, Masaichi, Hosokawa, Atsushi, Sugita, Yasuyuki, Ishii, Norihisa, Nagao, Eiji, Ozaki, Motoaki

    Published in Nihon Hansenbyō Gakkai zasshi (2002)
    “…In Japan, a cautious definition of clinical cure of leprosy has been used since 1988. This report presents a new definition of clinical cure for leprosy…”
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    A study on the role of the dispersion of repolarization in the induction of ventricular fibrillation using the suction electrode technique by Gotoh, M

    Published in Nippon Ika Daigaku zasshi (1989)
    “…The arrhythmogenic role of increased dispersion of repolarization (Dispersion) in monophasic action potentials (MAPs) was studied in 12 open-chest dogs…”
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    Histological Study on Innervation of Pars mucosa of Vestibulum nasi in Human Embryo by Goto, Masamichi

    “…The nasal vestibule is already in good development in the latter stage of the embryonic life, and is divisible, as in adult, primarily into the cutaneous part…”
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