Search Results - "南久松真子"
10. 放射線治療を受けた子宮頸癌患者におけるChromosome aberration
Published in THE KITAKANTO MEDICAL JOURNAL (1997)“…照射後の未梢血中のリンパ球にみられた染色体異常の出現率の違いから, X線と炭素線とのRBEの違いを, 子宮頸癌患者で比較検討した. X線の外部照射と腔内照射の併用で治療(平均線量 : 55.1Gy)を受けた患者18名と, 炭素線にて治療(平均線量 : 54.6Gy相当, RBE=3)を受けた患者8名を対象とした…”
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Published in Health physics (1958) (01-02-2010)“…In counting chromosome aberrations at low-dose radiation exposure in biological dosimetry, an automation technique has been required to process a large number…”
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Dose limits below which the effect of radiation on health becomes undetectable due to background variation
Published in Mutation research (30-06-2008)“…To clarify the low-dose limit at which the effect of radiation on health becomes undetectable is important in the regulation of radiation. As one of a series…”
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Dynamic analysis of chromosome aberrations in three victims of the Tokai-mura criticality accident
Published in International journal of radiation biology (01-09-2002)“…Purpose : To investigate the dynamics of chromosome aberrations in the blood cells of three workers severely exposed to neutrons and γ-rays in a criticality…”
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Effect of high-level natural radiation on chromosomes of residents in southern China
Published in Cytogenetic and genome research (01-01-2004)“…To study the effect of low-dose (rate) radiation on human health, we analyzed chromosomes of peripheral lymphocytes of residents in a high background radiation…”
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Characterization of ionizing radiation-induced ring chromosomes by atomic force microscopy
Published in Analytical biochemistry (15-11-2004)“…We applied atomic force microscopy (AFM) to the structural analysis of radiation-induced ring chromosomes. Constrictions observed on the metaphase ring…”
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Investigation of new cytogenetic biomarkers specific to high-LET radiation using in vivo and in vitro exposed human lymphocytes
Published in International journal of radiation biology (01-07-2006)“…Purpose: To find detectable cytogenetic biomarkers that can offer information about the radiation quality of in vivo exposure retrospectively. Materials and…”
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Effect of smoking on chromosomes compared with that of radiation in the residents of a high-background radiation area in China
Published in Journal of radiation research (01-09-2004)“…Cytogenetic investigation of stable-type aberrations (translocations) was carried out with our improved methods on 28 elderly individuals in a high-background…”
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Imperceptible Effect of Radiation Based on Stable Type Chromosome Aberrations Accumulated in the Lymphocytes of Residents in the High Background Radiation Area in China
Published in JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH (2003)“…Cytogenetic investigation of stable type aberrations (translocations) was performed with our improved methods in 6 children and 15 elderly persons in a high…”
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Structural analysis of heavy ion radiation-induced chromosome aberrations by atomic force microscopy
Published in Journal of biochemical and biophysical methods (28-05-2001)“…Heavy ion radiation (high linear energy transfer, LET, radiation) induces various types of chromosome aberration. In this report, we describe a new method…”
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