Search Results - "付勤"

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    色谱与质谱参数的优化对免疫抑制剂定量灵敏度的影响 by 孟爽, 周立, 付勤, 夏立, 孟丽媛

    Published in 上海交通大学学报(医学版) (28-11-2021)
    “…R331.9; 目的·考察色谱条件中的流动相及质谱离子源参数对环孢菌素A…”
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    An approach for IC engine coolant energy recovery based on low-temperature organic Rankine cycle by Fu, Jian-qin, Liu, Jing-ping, Xu, Zheng-xin, Deng, Bang-lin, Liu, Qi

    Published in Journal of Central South University (01-02-2015)
    “…To promote the fuel utilization efficiency of IC engine, an approach was proposed for IC engine coolant energy recovery based on low-temperature organic…”
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    구조방정식을 이용한 치과위생사의 감정노동과 직무특성이 직무스트레스와 이직의도에 미치는 영향 by 최부근, 김진수, 하미나, Choi, Boo-Keun, Kim, Jin-Soo, Ha, Mi-Na

    Published in Han'guk Ch'iwisaeng Hakhoe chi (28-02-2018)
    “…Objectives: This study aims to alleviate dental hygienists' job stress caused by emotional labor, lower their turnover rate, improve the working environment,…”
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    Effect of Progesterone on Expression of Prostaglandin Synthases and Plasminogen Activator in Bovine Endometrium during Estrous Cycle by 최수빈, 황보용, 정희태, 양부근, 박춘근

    “…This study was to investigate effect of progesterone (P4) on prostaglandin (PG) synthases and plasminogen activators (PAs) system in bovine endometrium during…”
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    항산화제가 Bromopropane에 의해 손상된 돼지 과립막세포의 생존율, 원형질막 온전성 및 apoptosis에 미치는 영향 by 이승형, 박희우, 이상희, 정희태, 박춘근, 양부근

    “…The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of taurine and vitamin E on ovarian granulosa cells damaged by bromopropane (BP) in pigs. We evaluated…”
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    보건소 구강보건센터운영 활성화 프로그램 개발을 위한 델파이 분석 by 이선미, 황윤숙, 최부근, 류정숙, Lee, Sun-Mi, Hwang, Yoon-Sook, Choi, Boo-Keun, Yoo, Jung-Sook

    Published in Han'guk Ch'iwisaeng Hakhoe chi (01-04-2014)
    “…Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate the oral health center operation and to activate the program development of public oral health…”
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    노인 장기요양보험 이용실태 및 서비스내용에 대한 인식 by 정재연, 김수화, 김영경, 안세연, 유은미, 최부근, 황윤숙, 한수진, Jung, Jae-Yeon, Kim, Soo-Hwa, Kim, Young-Kyung, Ahn, Se-Youn, Yoo, Eun-Mi, Choi, Boo-Keun, Hwang, Yoon-Sook, Han, Su-Jin

    Published in Han'guk Ch'iwisaeng Hakhoe chi (30-06-2016)
    “…Objectives: The purpose of the study is to investigate the awareness toward use and service contents of long term care for the elderly. Methods: A…”
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    중량부하물 착용 운동이 허약노인의 인체기능, 활동체력 및 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 by 양정수, 황부근, 고대규

    Published in Exercise science (Seoul, Korea) (01-02-2010)
    “…본 연구의 목적은 일상생활의 활동이 저하된 허약노인에게 중량부하물 착용 운동이 인체기능, 활동체력 및 삶의 질에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 알아보고자 하는데 있다. 연구에 참여한 대상은 65~84세의 허약 여성노인 총 32명(운동군: 16명, 대조군: 16명)이었으며, 운동군은 12주동안…”
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    돼지 자궁 세포의 3차원 배양이 Plasminogen 활성과 수정란 발육에 미치는 영향 by 이상희, 황보용, 차혜진, 김수진, 김민경, 정희태, 양부근, 박춘근

    “…Three-dimensional (3D) culture system is useful technique for study of in vivo environment and it was used variousexperiments. This study was investigated to…”
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    L-Cysteine을 첨가하여 동결-융해한 한우 정자의 생존성과 체외 수정 난자의 분할 by 박보라, 이경진, 이상희, 이은송, 정희태, 양부근, 박춘근

    “…This study was designed to evaluate the effect of L-cysteine on sperm characteristics and oocyte cleavage in vitro in Korean native cattle. For this study, the…”
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    돼지 자궁내막 세포의 3차원 배양과 Plasminogen Activator 활성화 분석 by 차혜진, 이상희, 정희태, 양부근, 박춘근

    “…The aim of this study was to establish a three dimensional (3D) culture system of endometrial cells and to examine the plasminogen activators (PAs) activity in…”
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    미니돼지정액의 보존 시 콜레스테롤과 혈청 알부민이 정자 성상과 지질 과산화에 미치는 영향 by 김동우, 이용승, 유한준, 정희태, 양부근, 박춘근

    “…This study was undertaken to find out the effect of cholesterol and serum albumin on sperm ability and lipid peroxidation levels period to the liquid storage…”
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    감나무 탄저병균(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides)의 월동 전염원 조사 by 권진혁,정선기,정부근

    Published in Sigmulbyeong yeon'gu (2007)
    “…In 2006 to 2007, the potential inoculum source of the anthracnose of sweet persimmon caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides was surveyed. The infected twigs,…”
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    돼지의 배란 전 자궁내막 상피세포 내 Plasminogen Activators의 발현 by 황보용, 이상희, 차혜진, 송은지, 이승태, 이은송, 정희태, 양부근, 박춘근

    “…The endometrium undergoes a cyclic growth and tissue remodeling as changes of epithelial cells, and plasminogen activators (PAs) are related to endometrium…”
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    한우 정자의 성 분리 시 HEPES를 첨가한 Sheath Fluid가 생존율에 미치는 영향 by 이지은, 이경진, 유한준, 박정준, 정희태, 양부근, 박춘근

    “…Spermatozoa sorted by flow cytometry have been successfully used to produce offspring in domestic animals and are commercially available for cattle. Also…”
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    치과위생사의 감염방지 실천 정도에 관한 연구 - 서울 및 인천ㆍ경기도를 중심으로 by 박향숙, 최정영, 심수현, 김진수, 최부근, 장희경

    Published in Chiwisaeng gwahakoeji (01-12-2008)
    “…Background: This research aims to provide basic data for dental hygienists to implement the infection control after understanding the level of their…”
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