Search Results - "Đapo, Almin"
Combined Space–Time Analysis of Geodetic and Geological Surveys for Evaluation of the Reliability of the Position of Points in the Geodynamic Network of the City of Zagreb
Published in Geosciences (Basel) (01-12-2020)“…This paper describes the long-standing interdisciplinary geodynamic research for the wider Zagreb area, the most seismically active area of the continental…”
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Cartographic Symbology for Crisis Mapping: A Comparative Study
Published in ISPRS international journal of geo-information (01-03-2020)“…Cartographic symbols on crisis maps serve as means of depicting information about the position, properties, and/or numerical values of objects, phenomena or…”
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Present Tectonic Dynamics of the Geological Structural Setting of the Eastern Part of the Adriatic Region Obtained from Geodetic and Geological Data
Published in Applied sciences (01-06-2021)“…The Adriatic microplate has always attracted scientific attention, and various studies on the geodynamics of this area have been performed over the years. With…”
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An All-in-One Application for Temporal Coordinate Transformation in Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Published in ISPRS international journal of geo-information (01-05-2020)“…Over the years, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) have been established in the geosciences as a tool that determines the positions of discrete points…”
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Accuracy Analysis of Point Velocities Determined by Different Software Packages and GNSS Measurement Processing Methods
Published in Tehnički glasnik (09-12-2020)“…The paper analyzes the geodynamic network of the City of Zagreb for periodic campaigns carried out from 2006 to 2009 which were processed by different software…”
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The application of satellite technology in the study of geodynamic movements in the wider Zagreb area
Published in Tehnički vjesnik (01-04-2017)“…Recognizing the fact that the region around the capital belongs seismically in one of the most vulnerable areas in the Republic of Croatia, the…”
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Lidija Špiranec, PhD in Technical Sciences
Published in Kartografija i geoinformacije (01-12-2017)“…Lidija Špiranec defended her doctoral thesis Determination of Recent Movements of the Lithosphere in Regions with Chemogenic Sediments on the Surface in the…”
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The application of satellite technology in the study of geodynamic movements in the wider Zagreb area/Primjena satelitskih tehnologija u istrazivanju geodinamickih pomaka na sirem zagrebackom podrucju
Published in Tehnički vjesnik (01-04-2017)“…Recognizing the fact that the region around the capital belongs seismically in one of the most vulnerable areas in the Republic of Croatia, the…”
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Lidija Špiranec, doktor tehničkih znanosti
Published in Kartografija i geoinformacije (15-12-2017)“…Lidija Špiranec obranila je 8. travnja 2016. na Geodetskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu doktorski rad pod naslovom Određivanje recentnih pokreta litosfere…”
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Primjena satelitskih tehnologija u istraživanju geodinamičkih pomaka na širem zagrebačkom području
Published in Tehnički vjesnik (14-04-2017)“…Uvažavajući činjenicu da šire zagrebačko područje spada seizmički u jedno od najugroženijih područja u Republici Hrvatskoj, započeta su predmetna…”
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