Search Results - "ÖZGEL, Özcan"
Cadaver preservative properties of a solution composed of honey, ethyl alcohol, liquid paraffin, distilled water and citric acid: Experiments on rabbit cadavers
Published in Anatomia, histologia, embryologia (01-05-2024)“…The objective of this study is to assess the efficacy of a solution including honey, ethyl alcohol, liquid paraffin, distilled water and citric acid (HEFS) as…”
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Geometric morphometric analysis of cranium of wolf (canis lupus) and german shepherd dog (canis lupus familiaris)
Published in Veteriner fakultesi dergisi (01-07-2020)“…In the study, it was aimed to investigate by geometric morphometric analysis to shape of the skull and mandible in adult male wolf and German Shepherd Dog. The…”
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Fetal kadavralarda Foramen Jugulare'nin morfometrisi ve organizasyonu: Morphometry and organization of Jugular Foramen in fetal cadavers / Özcan Özgel ; tez danışmanı, Prof.Dr. Soner Albay
Published 2021“…Çalışmamız, yaşları 22-40 gebelik haftası arasında değişen, harici anomalisi ve patolojisi olmayan, % 10' luk formaldehit solusyonunda muhafaza edilmiş, dişi…”
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Kurt ve Alman Çoban Köpeğinde Kafatasının Geometrik Morfometrik Analizi
Published in Veteriner fakultesi dergisi (2020)Get full text
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Orbital shape in goat and sheep: Symmetric analysis
Published in Anatomia, histologia, embryologia (01-05-2024)“…The aim of this study is to evaluate orbital symmetry in goat and sheep skulls. For this purpose, a total of 83 skulls, including 50 sheep and 33 goat skulls,…”
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Orbital shape in sheep and goats with sex and breed factors
Published in Anatomia, histologia, embryologia (01-01-2024)“…The purpose of this study was to identify the dimorphic structures of the orbita based on breed and sex factors through shape analysis across species…”
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Yeni Zelanda tavşanında (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.) baş bölgesinin vena'ları I. Bölüm: V. maxillaris ve dalları
Published in Veteriner Fakültesi dergisi (01-03-2003)“…Bu çalışmada Yeni Zelanda tavşanında baş bölgesi vena’ları makro anatomik olarak incelendi. Araştırmada 15 adet ergin Yeni Zelanda tavşanından faydalanıldı…”
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Yeni Zelanda Tavşanında (Oryctolagus Cuniculus L.) Boyun Bölgesi Vena’ları Üzerinde Makroanatomik Araştırmalar
Published in Veteriner Fakültesi dergisi (01-02-2003)“…Bu çalışmada Yeni Zelanda tavşanının boyun bölgesi vena'ları makroanatomik olarak incelendi. Araştırmada 16 adet ergin Yeni Zelanda tavşanından faydalanıldı…”
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The mandibles of the Honamli and Hair goat (Capra hircus); a geometric morphometric study
Published in Veteriner Fakültesi dergisi (01-01-2021)“…The aim of the study was to analyze mandible of the Honamli and Hair goats according to the sex factor by geometric morphometric methods. A total of 36 adult…”
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A macroanatomical study of the arcus aortae in the fox (Vulpes vulpes)
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The absence of the foramen supratrochleare in German shepherd dog
Published in Veteriner Fakültesi dergisi (20-08-2015)“…In the present study, the case of absence of the foramen supratrochleare in humerus bones which were in both legs of 10-year-old German Shepherd dog was…”
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The effect of the different strike levels of the stomach on the kidneys in the new zealand rabbit (oryctolagus cuniculus l.)
Published in Eurasian journal of veterinary sciences“…Aim: In the present study, it was aimed at the investigation of the effect of varying degrees of stomach fullness on the topography of the kidneys in the…”
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Yeni Zellanda tavşanında gözlenen iki ayrı ektopik gebelik olgusu
Published in Veteriner fakultesi dergisi (2003)“…Hard masses in abdominal regions of two New Zealand rabbits, which were different from each other, were determined. These hard masses were investigated with…”
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The absence of the foramen supratrochleare in German shepherd dog
Published in Veteriner Fakültesi dergisi (2015)Get full text
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Morphometric analysis of the sternum in avian species
Published in Turkish journal of veterinary & animal sciences (2006)“…Kanatlı türlerinde sternum'un anatomisi, türlere ve yaşam şekillerine bağlı olduğu kadar hareket ve özellikle de uçma kabiliyetine göre farklılıklar…”
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The effect of stomach's different fullness levels on the topography of intestines in new zealand rabbit (oryctolagus cuniculus l.)
Published in Eurasian journal of veterinary sciences“…Aim: The objective of the present study was examining the effect of stomach's different fullness levels on the topography of abdominal organs in rabbits…”
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Morphology and arterial vasculature of donkey (Equus asinus L.) Adrenal Gland
Published in Turkish journal of veterinary & animal sciences (2008)“…Bu çalışmada 6 adet merkepte glandula suprarenalis'in şekli, yerleşim yeri ve arteriel vaskularizasyonu incelendi. Glandula adrenalis sinistra'nın medial…”
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Cerebral arterial circle in German shepherd dogs raised in Turkey
Published in Veteriner fakultesi dergisi (2002)“…Bu çalışmada; Türkiye'de yetişirilen Alman çoban köpeklerinde circulus arteriosus cerebri'nin oluşumu, a. (arteria) subclavia sinistra et clextra yolu ile…”
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