Search Results - "Águila Rodríguez, Narciso"

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  1. 1

    Clinical epidemiological characterization of COVID-19 in Cumanayagua. 2021 by Narciso Águila Rodríguez, Lourdes Elena Duany Badell, Sarah Hernández Malpica, Natasha Sánchez Bouza, Yoseline César Carrero, Maidelenyis Santos Santos

    Published in MediSur (01-10-2022)
    “…Background: in the history of humanity, the great pandemics have represented important and terrible scourges for the human race and the development of society…”
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  2. 2

    Quality in the analysis of health situation: a non-achieved goal by Narciso Águila Rodríguez, Eneida Bravo Polanco

    Published in MediSur (01-04-2019)
    “…Analyzing the health situation is a core research in the Primary Health level, since it studies health and its determinants aimed at determining the…”
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  3. 3

    Detection of Cervical Uterine Cancer: cytology after 25 years old? by Eneida Bravo Polanco, Narciso Águila Rodríguez

    Published in MediSur (01-12-2018)
    “…In Cuba, as in other western countries, Cervical Uterine Cancer is in the second place of oncological morbidity in women from 20 to 30 years old. There also…”
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    Cervical uterine cancer: prevention and treatment by Eneida Bravo Polanco, Narciso Águila Rodríguez, Dayamí Guerra Villarpanda, Yamiley Blanco Vázquez, Oskeimy Rodríguez González, Madelín Oliva Santana

    Published in MediSur (01-08-2020)
    “…Cervical uterine cancer is a cellular alteration which starts in the cervix epithelium due to the persistence of human papillomavirus oncogenic serotypes and…”
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  5. 5

    Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of confirmed dengue patients. Cumanayagua, Cuba. 2019 by Lourdes Elena Duany Badell, Narciso Águila Rodríguez, Eneida Bravo Polanco, Midalys del Carmen Llanes Cartaya, Liosbel González León, Leticia Castro Morejón

    Published in MediSur (01-06-2021)
    “…Background: Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral disease that has spread rapidly in many regions in recent years. Objective: to describe clinical and…”
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  6. 6

    Experiences in control of COVID-19 outbreak in three positive cases. Cumanayagua Municipality. Cienfuegos, 2020 by Narciso Águila Rodríguez, Lourdes Elena Duany Badell, Eneida Bravo Polanco, Vivian Isabel Chávez Pérez, Alexis Ojeda Valladares, Beatriz Eliza Regueira Gómez

    Published in MediSur (01-11-2020)
    “…Different studies show that COVID-19 outbreaks constantly occur. The objective of this work is to present the surveillance and control actions in a COVID-19…”
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  7. 7

    The tutorial in training of the Nursing future professional by Narciso Águila Rodríguez, Eneida Bravo Polanco, Hilda María Delgado Acosta, Tamara Montenegro Calderón, Lázaro Roberto Herrera Fragoso, Alina Centeno Díaz

    Published in MediSur (01-08-2019)
    “…Many of the nursing professionals, in their teaching work, should fulfill the function of being a tutor, which goes beyond the framework of the mere knowledge…”
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  8. 8

    Pulmonary tuberculosis risk stratification in communities of the Abreus municipality. Cienfuegos, 2015 by Tamara Montenegro Calderón, Adrián Bermúdez Novoa, Narciso Águila Rodríguez, Hilda María Delgado Acosta, Sadis Suárez del Villar Seuret

    Published in MediSur (01-08-2019)
    “…Foundation: Tuberculosis is a priority research topic in Cuba, given the need to strengthen the response capacity for its elimination as a health problem…”
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  9. 9

    Some reflections on the health situation analysis by Narciso Águila Rodríguez, Eneida Bravo Polanco, Hilda María Delgado Acosta, Tamara Montenegro Calderón, Lázaro Roberto Herrera Fragoso, Alina Centeno Díaz

    Published in MediSur (01-06-2019)
    “…The analysis of the health situation allows to characterize, measure and explain the health-illness profile of a population, including damages or health…”
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  10. 10

    Educative Intervention for parents or Tutors of asthmatic children by Eneida Bravo Polanco, Beatríz Pérez García, Narciso Águila Rodríguez, Dalia Rosa Ruiz Roja, Yoanka Torres López, Mayelín Martínez Santana

    Published in MediSur (01-10-2018)
    “…Foundation: in Cuba, bronchial asthma constitutes an important health problem with relevant incidence in children. Parent´s knowledge about its management…”
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  11. 11

    Characterization of Suicidal Attempt in Adolescents of the Cumanayagua Municipality by Tamara Montenegro Calderón, Juan Carlos Fernández Wilcapi, Julio César Díaz Marrero, Narciso Águila Rodríguez, Alexis Díaz Brito

    Published in Finlay (01-12-2018)
    “…Foundation: the World Health Organization has determined that suicide in an important health problem since it is among the first causes of death in all ages…”
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  12. 12

    Clinical-epidemilogical characterization of patients with leptopirosis in the Cumanayagua Municipality. Cienfuegos Province. 2007-2017 by Narciso Águila Rodríguez, Hilda María Delgado Acosta, Tamara Montenegro Calderón, Delfín Rodríguez Buergo, Lizette Rodríguez Fernández, Rosario Rodríguez Castro

    Published in MediSur (01-12-2018)
    “…Foundation: leptospirosis still is the most prequent zoonosis worldwide. Objective: to characterize clinically and epidemiologically patients with…”
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  13. 13

    Clinical-epidemiological characterization of tuberculosis in the Cumanayagua Municiality. Cienfuegos Province. 2007-2017 by Narciso Águila Rodríguez, Hilda María Delgado Acosta, Delfín Rodríguez Buergo, Lizette Rodríguez Fernández, Rosario Gutiérrez Castro, Eneida Bravo Polanco

    Published in MediSur (01-10-2018)
    “…Introduction: It is a challange to eliminate tuberculosis in Cuba. Objective: to characterize clinically and epidemiologically pacients with tuberculosis…”
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  14. 14

    Synthetic Indicator’s Evaluation of the tuberculosis program. Health Areas I and II. Cienfuegos 2013 by Narciso Águila Rodríguez, Tamara Montenegro Calderón, Hilda María Delgado Acosta, María Lina Valdés Gómez, Lizette Rodríguez Fernández, Eneida Bravo Polanco

    Published in MediSur (01-08-2018)
    “…Foundation: Along the years, in the National Program of Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis of Cuba several changes have been done as those related to its…”
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    Caracterización epidemiológica de trabajadores de la salud enfermos de COVID-19. Provincia Cienfuegos, marzo 2020-septiembre 2021 by Crespo García, Arelis, Montenegro Calderón, Tamara, Tamayo Muñiz, Salvador, García Velásquez, Mariela, Duany Badell, Lourdes Elena, Águila Rodríguez, Narciso

    Published in MediSur (01-10-2022)
    “…RESUMEN Fundamento: los trabajadores de salud son los que se mantuvieron en la primera línea de la respuesta ante la COVID-19, por lo que tuvieron mayor…”
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    Caracterización del personal de enfermería para contribuir al cumplimiento de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible. Cumanayagua 2019 by Rodríguez, Narciso Águila, Malpica, Sara Hernández, Polanco, Eneida Bravo, Villarpanda, Dayamí Guerra, Badell, Lourdes Elena Duany, Fragoso, Lázaro Roberto Herrera

    Published in MediSur (01-10-2020)
    “…RESUMEN Fundamento: a nivel mundial se ha adoptado un conjunto de objetivos para erradicar la pobreza, proteger el planeta y asegurar la prosperidad para todas…”
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  19. 19

    Caracterización del intento suicida en adolescentes del municipio Cumanayagua by Montenegro Calderón, Tamara, Fernández Wilcapi, Juan, Díaz Marrero, Julio, Águila Rodríguez, Narciso, Díaz Brito, Alexis

    Published in Finlay (01-12-2018)
    “…Fundamento: la Organización Mundial de la Salud ha determinado que el suicidio es un importante problema de salud porque se encuentra entre las 10 primeras…”
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  20. 20

    Quality in the analysis of health situation: a non-achieved goal by Narciso Águila Rodríguez, Eneida Bravo Polanco

    Published in MediSur (01-04-2019)
    “…Analyzing the health situation is a core research in the Primary Health level, since it studies health and its determinants aimed at determining the…”
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